CSW Overview


SuperMap iServer provides CSW (Catalog Service for Web) service, the service conforms to CSW implementation standards established by OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium).

OGC CSW ( Catalog Service for the Web) is a standard protocol framework to develop a set of spatial information directory service. It's a network catalog service protocol to help users search, discover and registration of spatial data and metadata in existing Web services.

Meta information in the catalog are the specifications of resources which can be queried and presented by human or computers. Meta information are different types of resource description that can be used to evaluate resources and process information further. Resource Meta information presents in the form of records in CSW service. One record represents Meta information of one resource. The resource can be spatial data or spatial service, even any MIME type of file with specified URI address.

CSW describes a framework of principles to publish and access geospatial data and services, defines catalog service interfaces, binding agreements and framework. CSW specification does not specify that only unique and determined metadata model (Schema) can be used, but clearly recommend the use of information object model with international standards, so as to achieve the maximum extent possible of interoperability between different operating groups. SuperMap iServer CSW service supports discovery and management of the metadata that satisfying current standard. It provides HTTP standard protocol based related operations to access metadata. About SuperMap iServer services introduction, please refer to Service list and Meta information.

1) ISO 19139 standard (Geographic Information Metadata - XML mode), SuperMap iServer CSW service supports metadata querying and deleting operations following this specification.

2) CH/Z 9018-2012 (Geographic Information Network Distribution Service Metadata Content Specifications). This specification is China's geographic information mapping industry standard. SuperMap iServer CSW service supports metadata querying and deleting operations following this specification.

1) csw: Record, the information model used in OGC CSW 2.0.2 standard.

2) gmd: MD_Metadata, the abstracted information model according to ISO 19139 standard (Geographic Information Metadata - XML mode).

3) smmd: Metadata, the abstracted information model according to CH/Z 9018-2012 (Geographic Information Network Distribution Service Metadata Content Specification).

1) OGC CSW 2.0.2, established by OGC.

2) CH/Z 9019-2012 (Geographic Information Metadata Service Interface Specifications). This specification defines directory service query interfaces and management interfaces, etc.



SuperMap iServer CSW.2.0.2 service implemented operations are shown as follows:

  1. GetCapabilities operation: get service description provided by the catalog service, including service identification information, service provider and other supported operations.
  2. Query class operation: GetRecords, GetRecordById, DescribeRecord and GetDomain operation allows querying needed metadata and related description information, including keyword search by metadata, querying metadata information model, etc.
  3. Management class operation: Harvest and Transaction operations provide metadata updating, inserting and deleting functions.

SuperMap iServer currently supports the following CSW version:

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