- How to deploy a new service?
A: Please refer to Quickly Publishing GIS Services, Introducing Services, Configuring Services.
- Why does a problem occur in the final step of installing License Manager when installing the versions before SuperMap iServer 7C?
A: To begin with, License Manager is installed independently, which does not affect the installation of SuperMap iServer. There is the latest SuperMap License Manager version in the product installation package. If the SuperMap License Manager 6 has been installed in the original computer, there will be problem. The solutions are as follows:
(1) It is unnecessary to install the new version of License Manager in the installation package, and you can continue using the previous version for License configuration;
(2) Uninstall the previous version of License Manager, and install SuperMap License Manager 6R in the installation package, which is stored in the directory of "installation package root directory\LicenseManager".
- When starting SuperMap iServer 7C service, what are the possible reasons and solutions for not passing the environment check?
A: SuperMap iServer 7C needs configuring JRE 1.6 or higher, SuperMap iObjects Java and the license.
In the catalog of %SuperMap iServer_HOME%\bin, you can check the version and configuration information of SuperMap iServer by using “iserver.bat -v” ("./iserver.sh -v" for Linux/Unix). The possible reasons and solutions are:
(1) Use the right license and make sure the license is properly configured. Please refer to Configuring the License.
(2) The JRE/JDK version is too low or incompatible. Please download JRE/JDK1.6 or higher and set the environment variables.
(3) The incomplete or incorrect installation of the SuperMap iObjects Java dynamic libraries. Please make sure that SuperMap iObjects Java has been installed correctly and the environment variables have been correctly set, that is, UGO_HOME being set to SuperMap iObjects Java directory and %UGO_HOME%\Bin added to the PATH environment variable.
(4) Incorrect version of SuperMap iObjects Java. The possible reason is that the version of SuperMap iObjects Java is too low or its version doesn't match with the version of JRE/JDK. (The 32-bit JRE/JDK matches the 32-bit SuperMap iObjects Java; The 64-bit JRE/JDK matches the 64-bit SuperMap iObjects Java) Update your SuperMap iObjects Java.
- When staring the iServer service, why don't recommend the using warning for appearing that the actual used UGO version is low?
border="0" />
A: iServer service needs configuring the UGO, namely the SuperMap iObjects Java, and the used actual version of SuperMap iObjects Java can't be lower than the expecting version of iServer. By default, iServer uses the own SuperMap iObjects Java which is in the catalog of %SuperMap iServer_HOME%\support\Objectsjava\bin. In the catalog of %SuperMap iServer_HOME%\bin, you can check the version of SuperMap iServer by using “iserver.bat -v” ("./iserver.sh -v" for Linux/Unix).
- What do you need to notice when update and upgrade SuperMap iObjects Java in iServer?
A: When update the SuperMap iObjects located in %SuperMap iServer_HOME%\support\Objectsjava\bin, please update the JAR package in %SuperMap iServer_HOME%\webapps\iserver\WEB-INF\lib at the same time, that is, the JAR starts from "com.supermap.". Please make sure that component packages in the two position are the same.
- When starting SuperMap iServer, why does the error "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: D:SuperMap\SuperMap Objects Java 6R\Bin\Wrapj600.dll: specified program not found" occur?
A: The possible reasons and solutions:
(1) The JRE/JDK version is too low or incompatible. Download and install JRE/JDK (1.6 or higher) and set JAVA_HOME to JDK path or set JRE_HOME to JRE path.
- When starting the iServer service, why is there a port occupied error, leading to the failure of starting iServer service?
A: At present, SuperMap iServer is deployed in Tomcat, and the default port is 8090, 8015. If the port is occupied, SuperMap iServer will not be able to be started:
(1) If it is the case, exit the corresponding program and restart SuperMap iServer. Possible case: the update program of 360 anti-virus software.
(2) Modify the port number of Tomcat in SuperMap iServer. Then restart SuperMap iServer. The detailed method is: Modify the ports in %SuperMap iServer_HOME%/conf/server.xml, such as <Server port="8016" ……> and <Connector port="8091" …… redirectPort="8454" ……>.
- Why is the previous license inavailable when the version is updated to SuperMap iServer Java 6R(2012) SP2?
A: SuperMap iServer Java 6R(2102) SP2 use a new license manager. So you should the latest version of Manager and reconfigure it. See License Configuration Introduction.
- Do I need to purchase SuperMap iObjects Java 7C license when using SuperMap iServer 7C for extension development?
A: It is no need to purchase the license for SuperMap Objects Java 6R. But you need to know that the program can only be deployed in SuperMap iServer 7C.
- Why error "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread" occurs when running SuperMap iServer?
A: When creating thread in the pool, a physical thread will be created in the operating system. For certain machines with inadequate memory, the memory needed for operating system to create physical thread will compete with Java virtual machine heap memory when the amount of data to publish and the access amount are large. To solve the problem, you can:
(1) Reduce the memory assigned to Java virtual machine by changing Java virtual machine parameter. For example, changing JAVA_OPTS " in %SuperMap iServer_HOME%/bin/catalina.bat to a smaller value like -Xmx512.
(2) Reduce the active threads of Tomcat connection pool by changing maxThreads in %SuperMap iServer_HOME%/conf/server.xml to a smaller value.
- What are the reasons for the collapse of SuperMap iServer?
A: The possible reasons:
(1): The reason is that the file cache exceeds the memory size allowed for a process on AIX. The number of the data segments that a process is allowed to use limits the process memory size. The default number of data segments is one. Change the LDR_CNTRL environment variable to 8 to change the process memory size to 2GB (8*256MB=2GB).
export LDR_CNTRL=MAXDATA=0x80000000
(2) Check whether you have installed Kingsoft anti-virus software when the collapse occurs using map service. The running of Kingsoft may cause the collapse of iServer.
(3) The Tomcat 7.0.29 will cause memory leaks, please change to other Tomcat versions, such as Tomcat 7.0.26.
- Why service can restart when SuperMap iServer closes in phantom shutdown?
A: When iServer service are exception, restart the server can make sure the iServer work properly. Automatic restart function is effective in the following situations:
- iServer Windows/Linux/AIX package start iServer in command line
- iServer war starts iServer in Tomcat container in the way of command line
Automatic restart function is not effective in the following situations:
- iServer starts on Window
- iServer war starts in non Tomcat
- The JDK/JRE path (specified by JAVA_HOME/JRE_HOME) contains parentheses
Notes: SuperMap iServer can stop services by shutdown.bat/shutdown.sh (licated in [SuperMap iServer installation]\bin) or preswsing Ctrl+C. Please refer to Starting/Stopping iServer for more information..
The <restartWhenCrash> parameter of <properties> node in System Configuration File(iserver-system.xml) is used to control whether to enable this function.
- When starting SuperMap iServer in the Windows service form in Tomcat or other Java Web containers started, how to place the log file?
A: When SuperMap iServer is started in the form of Windows service, in Tomcat for instance, [SuperMap iServer_installation directory]\webapps\iserver\WEB-INF\iserver-log4j.properties file specifies where to place the log file--log4j.appender.F.File=../logs/iserver.log. Therefore, the logs folder is placed in the parent directory of service startup file (cmd.exe). That is to say, the log file is placed in C:\Windows\logs\.
In addition, you can modify the the log4j.properties file, and specify the path as an absolute path, such as log4j.appender.F.File=D:/Tomcat/logs/iserver.log.
- When starting SuperMap iEdge on windows, how to solve if The APR based Apache Tomcat Native library which allows optimal porformance in production environments was not found on the java.library.path appears in console?
A: This item has no effects on iEdge service. You can copy dynamic library file tcnative-1.dll in [SuperMap iEdge installation directory]\bin\x64 (x86) to [SuperMap iEdge installation directory]\bin.
- When stopping iserver, why the *.mdmp file created in bin takes up a lot of space.
A: When you want to stop iServer, please use shutdown.bat/sh, not Ctrl+C.
- How to appoint the IP which is used by the iServer service if the OS where the iServer is located configurates multiple IPs?
A: You could appoint IP the iServer used by modifying the Diserver_ip in the Java virtual machine parameter of Catalina.bat ,which means modifying the JAVA_OPTS in %SuperMap iServer_HOME%/bin/catalina.bat, set the -Diserver_ip as the expected IP, e.g.,
set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Xms256m -Xmx1536m -XX:MaxPermSize=192m -Xss512k -Diserver_ip=
- Why does the installation progress bar show incomplete after running the install.sh to install iServer in AIX system?
A: Because your AIX system does not have a graphical interface installed. This display problem does not affect the iServer service startup, but in order to get a better experience, it is recommended that you install the graphical interface first and then begin to use iServer.
- Why do these exceptions occur "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:javax/servlet/AsyncListener", "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:javax/servlet/AsyncListener" when browsing services after deploying a SuperMap iServer war package on Tomcat6?
A: The reason is that iServer uses Servlet 3.0 asynchronous request function, but Tomcat6 only supports Servlet 2.0 which does not contain this feature. So you need to upgrade your Tomcat Servlet API 2.0 to 3.0.
- I get the error message: "mmap failed for CEN and END part of zip file ". How to solve?
A: you can solve in the following three ways:
(1) Increase the physical memory to at least 6G for your machine or virtual machine where iServer locates.
(2) Reduce the maximum heap memory which allocated to the JVM from 1.5G to 1G. The specific method is: open the [SuperMap iServer installation directory] \ bin\catalina.sh, modify the string JAVA_OPTS = "$ JAVA_OPTS-Xms256m-Xmx1536m-Xss512k" to JAVA_OPTS = "$ JAVA_OPTS-Xms256m-Xmx1024m-Xss256k".
(3) Downgrade the iServer built-in jre to 1.7 version.
- When starting the iServer multi-process, I get this warning message: "file name or extension name is too long", meanwhile the iServer can not run.
A: The reason is that the target path where the iServer package locates is too long when decompressing iServer package. The solution is to reduce the iServer installation directory level, or to reduce the folder name after unpacking. For example, place the product package on the root directory of the disk and then extract.
- Why the URI isn't compatible with the Chinese path when using SuperMap iServer 7C war package in Tomcat and WildFly?
A: Generally speaking, the default data encoding of Tomat and WildFly is not the "utf-8" and incompatible with Chinese path, namely, URI will make mistake when containing Chinese. In order to make the SuperMap iServer war package compatible, the data encoding of Tomat and JBoss server of deployment war package should be changed to "utf-8", that is to say, the URIEncoding parameter is set to URIEncoding="utf-8". The detailed operation on Tomat is changing \Tomcat \conf\server.xml, adding last line to the following position:
<Connector port="8090" protocol="HTTP/1.1" connectionTimeout="20000" redirectPort="8453" executor="tomcatThreadPool" enableLookups="false" URIEncoding="utf-8"/>
- When the iServer service deployed on the WebLogic successfully and the WebLogic manage page updated, why it appears the inner "HTTP 500" error after visiting again?
A: It needs loading the own DLL when deploying iServer service. This DLL has ready loaded when first deploy. To solve this problem, please restart the Server used in deploying iServer on the WebLogic administration page after updating iServer.
- Why an error about PerGen space is thrown when the configuration of the iServer service is failed on WebLogic?
A: Because the size of PerSize doesn't meet with iServer. Set PerSize to 256 in current WebLogic domain. For example, if the creation of WebLogic domain in Windows is C:\wls1033_dev\user_projects\domains\SuperMapiServer, the content in the second row of C:\wls1033_dev\user_projects\domains\SuperMapiServer\bin\startWebLogic.cmd should be added:
@REM Call setDomainEnv here. set JAVA_OPTIONS=-XX:MaxPermSize=256M set DOMAIN_HOME=D:\MIDDLE~1\WLS103~2\user_projects\domains\base_domain for %%i in ("%DOMAIN_HOME%") do set DOMAIN_HOME=%%~fsi call "%DOMAIN_HOME%\bin\setDomainEnv.cmd" %* set SAVE_JAVA_OPTIONS=%JAVA_OPTIONS% set SAVE_CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%
- When using the iServer in the system of Linux, how to set it to listen the connection situation between the iServer and the database datasource?
A: Perform the following order as root user before starting the iServer service:
echo 5 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_retries2
Therefore, when the database connection broken, iServer will show that the **** workspace is failed to connect.
- Why does this error occur when iServer service starts on Linux:"Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: 【libWrapj600.so】: home\SuperMapiServer\support\jre\lib\amd64\headless\libmawt.so: symbol awt_FreeDrawingSurface, version SUNWprivate_1.1 not defined in file libmawt.so with link time reference"?
A: If you use 32-bit iServer, please use $SuperMap iObjects Java_HOME\bin\libmawt.so instead of $JRE_HOME\lib\i386\headless\libmawt.so
If you use 64-bit iServer, please use $SuperMap iObjects Java_HOME\bin\libmawt.so instead of $JRE_HOME\lib\amd64\headless\libmawt.so
- Why sometimes the error arises when start the iServer or iPortal in Linux: “../libWrapj.so:libpng12.so.0: Can not open the sharing object file, is there no that file or directory?"
A: It is caused by lacking the libpng12 lib files in the current system, you can solve it by installing libpng12 lib files which match the system.
You could use system disk to finish the installation directly, you could also finish it by the rpm package in the production package. You could (【SuperMap iServer installation directory】\SuperMapiServer8C\support\objectsjava\third_lib or 【SuperMap iPortal installation directory】\SuperMapiPortal8C\support\objectsjava\third_lib) :
(1) SUSE system, by yum install libpng12-0-1.2.44-7.1.x86_64.rpm
(2) Redhat or CentOS, finish installation by yum install libpng-1.2.10-17.el5_8.x86_64.rpm
- Why iServer service does not start on SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 SP2 or SP3, or publishing service fails?
A: It needs to install third party client to load sdx data engine. The failure of loading one sdx will affect loading of other sdx data engines. So it can not open any datasource or the system crashes. These sdx data engine files which need third party clients include: libSuEngineSRDB.sdx, libSuEngineOracle.sdx, libSuEngineDMCI.sdx, libSuEnginePG.sdx, libSuEngineOsp.sdx, libSuEngineAltibase.sdx, libSuEngineDB2.sdx, libSuEngineKDB.sdx, libSuEnginePGis.sdx, libSuEngineKadb.sdx, libSuEngineSpatialite.sdx.
Delete the database engine files (*.sdx) that are not need in $SuperMap Objects Java_HOME\bin. for example, if you need Oracle datasource, you should install the Oracle client first, and delete all *.sdx except libEngineOracle600.sdx, then the service can start normally. If you need to use other database engines, handle accordingly.
- Why does this error occur when iServer service starts on Linux: "Unable to set localhost. This prevents creation of a GUID"?
A: Please configure the IP address corresponding to host name in /etc/hosts file. If you add the last row, it means to map linux-3z6l to
# Syntax: # IP-Address Full-Qualified-Hostname Short-Hostname localhost linux-3z6l
- There is no GUI on Linux. How to configure SuperMap iServer 7C license through command line?
A: There are four steps to configure license through com.supermap.license.jar in the way of command lines:
(1) Set the Java environment variable, and set the directory of LD_LIBRARY_PATH as com.supermap.license.jar.
(2) Get the machine information. Enter SuperMapiServer7C\Support\SuperMap_License directory, execute the following command with specifying the path where the generated local information file is stored, then a * .c2v file in the specified path will be generated.
java -jar com.supermap.license.jar -create /path/*.c2v
(3) Submit the local information to the Beijing SuperMap Software Co., Ltd.
Submit the local information file (* .c2v) generated by the above steps to Beijing SuperMap Software Co., Ltd., we will generate *. v2c official license file based on it and return to you, through which you can configure the official license.
(4) Make the license work. Place your *. v2c official license file into a specified location, execute the following command:
java -jar com.supermap.license.jar -update /pathName/*.v2c
Besides, you can execute java -jar com.superamp.license.jar -help to view the related commands about license. For details, see: License Configuration on Linux.
- A "The 32bit support is missing. Please install the x86 compatibility packages required by your distribution and retry the installation. See the installation guide for more details.Aborting …" error happens on a Linux 64-bit OS when installing SuperMap License Center driver.
A: Linux 64-bit operating system lacks 32-bit support libraries. You need to install the related support libraries of 32 bit. iServer has provided a tool named dependencies_check_and_install.sh that can detect and automatically install the needed dependent libraries. You need to run the following commands in the [SuperMap iServer installation directory]\SuperMapiServer8C\support] directory before starting iServer.
./dependencies_check_and_install.sh install -y
You can also load the system disk to install the relevant libraries, or go to the corresponding operating system official website to obtain the relevant libraries to install. The needed 32-bit support libraries include:
- libc6-i386 and ia32-libs(Ubuntu)
- libstdc++-devel.i686, glibc.i686, libgcc.i686, libstdc++.i686, glibc-devel.i686(RHEL, CentOS, OpenSUSE, SLES and OES)
- glibc-32bit(OpenSUSE, SLES and OES)
- On the Linux OS on Hyper-v, the 7C license fails to install, or it is not available after restarting the system.
A: If you encounter a license installation fails, or the installed license is not available, you can use the following method to uninstall the driver and then reinstall.
(1) Use the following command to delete the directory /var/hasplm
cd /var
rm -rf hasplm
(2) Uninstall the license driver:
cd /SuperMapiServer7C/support/SuperMap_License/Support/aksusbd-2.2.1-i386
(3) Reinstall the license driver:
- Why does Chinese garbage appear on the Linux OS after upgrading to 7C?
A: There are two methods:
1. There are Chinese dataset garbages in WFS services and Data Rest services. If that happens, please upgrade data to 7C.
2. Chinese garbages cache directory and file name. Because the environment variable of LANG is different with LANG used by iServer. You can modify the iServer LANG. It does not affect the function.
- When using 7C product on low version of Linux, services can not start. How to solve when support/objectsjava/bin/libWrapj.so appears libgomp.so error? ?
A: May the system lack the related dynamic library file. Now, it has: libgomp-4.4.0-6.el5.i386.rpm and libgomp-4.4.0-6.el5.x86_64.rpm.
- When installing SuperMap License Center on Linux, the error "hasp_update failed with status 65" shows up. Why?
A: You can skip this message. This occurs when you repeat the installation of license center.
- When using putty, SecureCRT, SSH to start SuperMap iServer 7C or SuperMap iPortal 7C service on Linux, such error as "Could not initialize class sun.awt.X11GraphicsEnvironment” or “System environment checking failed” appear on the front page. But it works well when starting service locally. Why?
A. When remotely starting SuperMap iServer 7C and SuperMap iPortal 7C, you need to first log in to the Linux server and run the command below:
(1) X:n& Start XServer on the n-th screen. n is any integral, e.g. 22, 30.
(2) export DISPLAY=:n.0 Set DISPLAY variable to the XServer of the local machine, and restart the service.
- When starting iServer on Linux and quickly publishing workspace as service, I get the error message like "Wrong workspace password “, and catalina.out has error messages like: “java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:Could not initialize class java.awt.Toolkit”. Why?
A. This occurs because no GUI is installed on the Linux. Take Ubuntu as an example to show how to fix the problem:
1) Connect Internet, and execute sudo apt-get update to get the list of the latest packages
2) Execute sudo apt-get install xinit, and install xinit GUI.
3) Execute ./shutdown.sh and ./startup.sh, and restart iserver. Then the error is fixed when you publishing the service in Windows.
- In a Linux system, after enabling the multi-process functions, iServer fails to restart to take it effect.
A: In a Linux system, every sub process of iServer communicates with each other by socket. So you need to ensure the ip of your machine in /etc/hosts file is consistent with its actual ip. You can use the ifconfig command to get the actual ip.
- In a Linux system to run iServer as a normal user. After enabling the multi-process functions, iServer fails to restart to take it effect, and the console or log shows the error: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError:unable to create new native thread?
A: This is due to the Linux operating system for ordinary users to use the resources were limited. Such as the maximum allowable use of memory, the maximum number of allowed processes or threads. You can view these resource limits with the ulimit -a command.
In multi-process mode, each Worker will start about 200 threads. This problem occurs when iServer starts too many Workers, the number of threads is close to or reaches the number of threads that are allowed for normal users.
Solution: Execute the ulimit -u 4133725 command as root to increase the maximum number of threads allowed for normal users.
- How to configure the iServer war package deployed on the middleware to support cross-domain request?
A: The war package of SuperMap iServer is not enabled by default to support cross-domain requests. You can configure the middleware configuration file to support it. Here take Wildfly as an example, do the following operations:
Add the following two new tags under the tage <subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:undertow:3.1"> in the [WildFly root]\standalone\configuration\standalone.xml:
(1) Add <filter-ref name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin"/> under the <host name="default-host" alias="localhost">;
(2) Add <response-header name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header-name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header-value="*"/> under the <filters>.
- Start iServer DataStore service on a Linux system, storage type chosed for tile or binary, then iServer DataStore fails to initialize. And the console shows "Tile or binary database configuration failed". What's the reason? How to solve?
A: Reason:
When choosing tile or binary as the storage type, iServer DataStore will start the MongoDB during initialization, and the /tmp/mongodb-27017.sock file will be used when starting MongoDB. If the MongoDB was started by others before, the file was generated, and the owner of the file is the previous user. Howerver, the current user doesn't have permission to read or write it, which results in the MongoDB failed to start, which causes the failure of the initialization of iServer DataStore.
Check whether the mongodb-27017.sock file exists in the /tmp directory. If yes, check whether the owner of the file is the current user who starts iServer DataStore. If not, contact the owner of the file or the root user to delete the file, then restart iServer DataStore to initialize it.
- Deploy the war package in Tomcat, when quickly publishing services through iServer Manager, the remote browsing function doesn't work properly and the system file directory can be displayed. What should I do?
A: The reason is that the tomcat package does not support the URL which contains "|" by default, while the "|" appears in the URL for remote browsing related functions. Solutions: Open the file [Tomcat intallation directory]/conf/catalina.properties, remove the annotation symbol of the "tomcat.util.http.parser.HttpParser.requestTargetAllow=|" to allow Tomcat handle URL paths with "|".
- Deploy the war package in Tomcat, when accessing services, the console displays the exception message "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid character found in the request target. The valid characters are defined in RFC 7230 and RFC 3986". How to solve?
A: The reason is that the service request url contains restricted special characters. Solutions: Open the file [Tomcat intallation directory]/conf/catalina.properties, remove the annotation symbol of the tomcat.util.http.parser.HttpParser.requestTargetAllow=| at the end of the file, and add the special characters after the "=" to allow Tomcat to handle these characters. For example, the special characters are "{" and "}", after adding, it becomes: tomcat.util.http.parser.HttpParser.requestTargetAllow=|{}。
- After the master node of the Spark cluster started in the linux system, the child node could not be added to the mater node, or the log reports: WARN Utils: Service 'sparkWorker' could not bind on port 0. How to solve it
A: Use the command cat /etc/hosts to view the /etc/hosts file and modify it so that the corresponding host name after the IP of the current machine or is configured correctly.
- When accessing REST services or WFS services, why does the error code 500 appear and the message "Warn: Java heap space" show in the log?
A: As to certain services, the memory is not enough. To solve the problem, modify the Java virtual machine memory (set the memory to 1024M), then restart SuperMap iServer.
- What do you need to notice when using 2D map caches?
A: When producing 2D map caches, you need to notice the machine DPI. Make sure the DPI of the computer where the caches are created is identical to that on the server.
- Why isn't the "World_day" map displayed when this service is normally accessed through the httpxmlrequest object of JavaScript?
A: If there are Chinese characters in the url, they must be encoded, e.g., var mapName= encodeURI(“WorldMap_day”). An encoded url is var uri=""+mapName+".json".
- Why the background of the image got is not transparent, but black?
A: Color depth below 24 bit doesn't support transparent image. In this situation, you need to check:
(1) The color depth of the operating system of the machine where the server is below 24-bit.
(2) When starting SuperMap iServer remotely, the color depth of the remote connection display option is below 24-bit.
(3) The Color Depth on RDF-Tcp properties for client settings on the operating system of the machine where the server is is below 24-bit.
- Why certain request cannot be recognized and the request may fail or wrong result may be returned?
A: Because the sent HTTP request did not use UTF-8 encoding. For non-ASCII characters, SuperMap iServer will use UTF-8 by default. If the request is not encoded with UTF-8, the characters can't be correctly parsed.
- Why does the map doesn't match with the cloud service layer in the representation form of SuperMapCloud and the map doesn't match with the Tianditu service layer in the representation form of Tianditu?
A: SuperMap cloud data and the Tianditu data is encrypted so as not to be identical with the original data.
- When browsing the sea data, ThemeLable and symbol thematic map, how to solve the problems that part of the elements are blocked and don't diaplay completely.
A: Please modify the IsMapInflated property as true in the root directory \bin\SuperMap.xml of SuperMap iObjects Java. The SuperMap iObjects Java included in iServer is in the catalog of %SuperMap iServer Java_HOME%/support/objectsjava.
- Why the image obtained by a certain scale is different from the image obtained in the former version products with the same scale?
A: Because the scale in the SuperMap products is based on the screen resolution. Now the current default value of screen resolution is 96dpi. But in the SuperMap iServer Java 6R(2012) version and before, the default is 76.2dpi. This change come into force from SuperMap iServer Java 6R(2012) SP1. Please refer to the scale definite for more details about map scale.
- When performing the POST request in iServer, why the result resource ID is different from the REST API in the request example?
A: The newResourceID is a random number as the ID of operation result resource. For example, we can obtain the ID of resource result datasetBufferresult after performing POST request to datasetBufferresults resource. So the result child resources IDs are distinct after every performing the POST request.
- Why does this this error occur when querying map services :"java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space"?
A: Probably because the number of objects for the result is quite large. You can limit the number of returned records at a time:
(1) On client, you can set the expected number of records to be returned through expectCount to eliminate the number.
(2) The server side can set the default number of the records. iServer offers queryExpectCount (default is 1000). See Configure Service Provider by XML File.
- Why does the console have the warning that network data no pass after starting SuperMap iServer?
When starting iServer, the background program will check the network dataset and turn table, and throw a warning for network dataset. If it needs the transportation analysis, it should adjust the network data according the log to ensure the correctness of the network analysis function.
- Why WMTS 1.0.0 services published by SuperMap iServer can not open in common tool Gaia?
A: Gaia only recognizes the <WGS84BoundingBox> node and does not recognizes the <BoundingBox> node. The GetCapabilities of WMTS100 interface contains the <BoundingBox> node corresponding to 3857. So WMTS100 service can not opened in Gaia. To solve this problem, users should customize WMTS interface, and the scale set should be select the scale set corresponding to 4326: GlobalCRS84Scale, GlobalCRSPixel, GooleCRS84Quad and ChinaPublicServices. When the projection of data is 4326, it can select Custom.
- Why the fonts are different when browsing the map?
A: The font base this tag uses does not exist in the system which deploys the iServer service.
The solution is: in this system, to install the font base this tag use, e.g., the installation directory of the font base in Linux is %SuperMap iServer_HOME%/support/fonts. Please see below for details: Configurating after installation.
Why is the query result wrong or cannot find the dataset to be queried when performing the map query or data query in a cluster environment?
A: Because the data corresponding to the same map service resource or the same data service resource provided by each node is inconsistent. For example, same workspace name, same datasource name, same map name, but the internal datasets are different. When iServer load balancer redirects the received request, maybe the node that has the different data will just be chosen to execute the query task, then fails.
- Why is the "Local Browse" button unavailable when quickly publishing a file-type workspace with Server Manager?
A: There may be the following two situations:
1. The service isn't in local. You should use "Remote Browse" to select.
2. With IE9, IE10, Chrome, Safari, as to the security control of the browsers, SuperMap iServer cannot get the accurate path of the workspace to be published. You should use "Remote Browse" to select.
- What should I do if I forget the password of the administrator acount created when SuperMap iPortal was initialized?
A: There is a passwordreset.bat / passwordreset.sh file in [SuperMap iPortal_HOME]\bin directory, specifically used to deal with the situation that user forget the password of the administrator account created when the system was initialized. If you forget password, you can re-create the administrator account by performing the following operations:
1. Stop SuperMap iPortal service, that is, execute shutdown.bat /shutdown.sh file in [SuperMap iPortal_HOME]\bin directory.
2. Execute the passwordreset.bat /passwordreset.sh file.
3. Restart SuperMap iPortal service, ie., execute startup.bat / startup.sh file in [SuperMap iPortal_HOME]\bin directory. When access the iPortal home page after the service starts, the system will automatically jump to interface of creating administrator account, then just re-create the administrator account.
- Why original authorization info is invalid if you modify the service instance name through service configuration file?
A: After modifying the service instance name through service configuration file, the service instance will be regarded as a new service by the system. By, default, all users can access this new service. Administrator can reauthorize the new service instance in the WebManager and delete the authorization information of original service in shiro.ini (WEB-INF) manually. Or you can modify the shiro.ini, updating the original service instance name to a new name.
The method is: find the [instances] node. Update the service instance name and it corresponds to the authorization role. The format is:
<service instance name>= PRIVATE,role1,role2
If you need to rename the service instance and reserve the authorization info, it is recommended to modify through WebManager. The system will update the service instance to match the original authorization role.
- Why the server returns 401 after accessing WebManager?
A: If you use the Beta or RC of SuperMap iServer 6R(2012) 6.1.3 in a browser, when you upgrade to the official version, it may be 401 error. Because SuperMap iServer 6.1.3 official version upgrades the Cookie info of safe register. If you click Remember me in the old version, the browser may save the old Cookie info, so when you user SuperMap iServer 6.1.3, it may result in 401 error.
The method is to clear Cookie information of the browse.
- Why SSO failed after I configured CAS authentication server?
A: When the CAS authentication server and the GIS server are not on the same machine, the time difference between the two servers may result in the failure of log in. In this case, you need to adjust the time to be the same or extend the time tolerance. By default, the tolerance of iServer, iPortal, and iEdge is 3 minutes. You can change it through casRealm.tolerance (unit: ms):
casRealm.enabled = false
casRealm.reserveSystemAccount = true
casRealm.casServerUrlPrefix = http://{ip}:{port}/cas
casRealm.casService = http://{ip}:{port}/{contextPath}/shiro-cas
casRealm.securityInfoDAO = $sqliteRealm
casRealm.tolerance = 180000
- The timing recovery function of iServer is not available. Why?
A: If the JAVA environment variable value that you configured contains spaces, such as: D:\Program Files\java_x64\jdk1.7.0_17_x64, it will lead to the cycling failure. The solution is as follows:
- In a Windows system, open and edit the setclasspath.bat which locates in the bin directory of your iServer installation folder. Find if not "%_RUNJDB%" == "" goto gotRunJdb, then add if not ""%1"" == ""debug"" goto gotRunJdb above it. Like this:
- In a Linux system, open and edit the setclasspath.sh which locates in the bin directory of your iServer installation folder. Add if [ "$1" = "debug" ] ; then ... fi, like this:
- iServer responses slowly. Meanwhile, many INFO level exception information appear in catalina.log file, such as "java.io.IOException: broken pipe" or "java.io.IOException: The software in your host has stopped an established connection". How to solve?
(1) Open the logging.properties file in the [iServer installation directory]/conf directory with a text editor.
(2) Modify catalina.org.apache.juli.AsyncFileHandler.level = FINE to :1catalina.org.apache.juli.AsyncFileHandler.level = WARNING
- When doing distributed analysis, why the created distributed analysis task is always being running status, and the detailed page of the spark task execution reports "SecurityManager:authentication disabled;ui acls disabled;users with view permission"?
A: The reason is that the computer where the iServer locates is a multi-NIC, and is not in the same network segment as the subnodes of the sparck clusters used. So to ensure the normal communication between Spark Worker and iServer, you need to do the following configuration in iServer.
Configuration method: Add a line "spark.driver.host 192.168.*.*" in the file [SuperMap iServer installation directory]/SuperMapiServer9D/support/spark/conf/spark-defaults.conf, as shown below:
Where, is the IP of the machine where the iServer resides and is in the same network segment with the subnodes of Spark cluster. Note: The Spark sub-node is a node configured by iServer for distributed analyzing or a Spark Worker configured for Spark cluster.
- In distributed analysis, the created distributed analysis task is always in a running state, and the distributeanalysis.log file shows this kind of warning message: WARN - Initial job has not accepted Any resources; check your cluster UI to ensure that workers are registered and have sufficient resources. What are the possible reasons?
A: The possible reasons:
(1) No available Spark Worker nodes in the Spark cluster.
Solution: Check the status of the Spark cluster and check whether any available Spark Worker nodes are added.
(2) The port required to start Spark Worker is occupied.
Solution: Set the environment variable: export SPARK_WORKER_WEBUI_PORT={port} (available Spark Worker port)
(3) In the case of multiple NICs, the Spark Worker port that is started cannot be bound to any IP of the machine where the Spark Worker is started.
Solution: Set the environment variable: export SPARK_LOCAL_IP=
(4) The Spark cluster applied cannot correspond to the correct IP by the machine name, so that the Spark Worker node cannot be found.
Solution: On the Linux platform, the IP address corresponding to the host name in the /etc/hosts file is incorrect, correct it.
(5) The memory or cpu resources of the Spark cluster are insufficient.
Solution: You can configure the memory and core number in the [SuperMap iServer installation directory]/support/spark/conf/spark-defaults.conf file according to the following requirements.
spark.cores.max //The total number of cores of the spark cluster application is not less than 2
spark.executor.cores //The total number of cores of the spark cluster application is not less than 1
spark.executor.memory //The memory of the spark cluster application is not less than 1g
- In distributed analysis service, when the analysis result is large, analysis fails and the distributed analysis log file distributeanalysis.log of iServer shows error message "org.apache.spark.SparkException: Kryo serialization failed: Buffer overflow". How to solve?
A: Distributed analysis uses Spark technology internally, based on a multi-node architecture. So here one distributed analysis job will be broken down into multiple atomic task, and each atomic task will be executed in multiple worker nodes in a distributed way. When all the worker nodes finished, all the analysis result will be collected from the worker nodes to master node. During the collection period, it needs to serialize the analysis results to binary, and deserialize binary to objects. And Spark uses the Kryo serialization mechanism by default. This error is reported when the content to be serialized or deserialized is too large which leads to insufficient buffer memory. You can solve this problem by increasing the maximum buffer size of Kryo serializer. Specific steps: open %SPARK_HOME%/conf/spark-defaults.conf, add the following configuration:
spark.kryoserializer.buffer.max 1024m
- After starting the distributed analysis service, the distributed analysis page is blank, or the console reports an error "Connect to localhost:6765[localhost/]failed:Connection refused". What are the possible reasons?
A: Possible cause: The target path is too long when extracting iServer, which is more than 100 characters.
Workaround: Reduce the iServer installation directory hierarchy or shorten the extracted folder name. For example, place the compressed product package in the root directory of the disk, then decompress it.
- What do you need to notice building a cluster?
A: Make settings according to the real situation:
(1) If you plan to use map services, do uniform settings for SuperMap iObject Java 7C on every GIS server in the cluster. Open the file SuperMap iObjects Java 7C\Bin\Supermap.xml, and set CustomMapRatioEnable as true (<CustomMapRatioEnable>true</CustomMapRatioEnable>). Otherwise, the map may not be able to properly displayed. Note: SuperMap iObjects Java in SuperMap iServer has already changed.
(2) SuperMap iServer is deployed in the Servlet container in the form of Servlet. If the SuperMap iServer, which is a child node of the cluster, is moved to another Servlet container with a different port, you need to manually change the port under <host> node in the iserver-system.xml file to a new one. In addition, you can access any GIS service on the child node to automatically set a new port.
(3) The special character“^” can't be used in the server URI.
- For distributed tiling, why does the console prompt "No buffer space available (maximum connections reached?): Connect"?
A: When uploading slices into FastDFS, the number of occupied ports increases and may reach the upper limit of ports of local operating system (OS). Avoid it with the following method:
- Windows
Run "regedit.exe", open the registry, find "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ services \ Tcpip \ Parameters", add "TcpTimedWaitDelay" whose type is DWORD, value is 30, and then add "MaxUserPort" whose type is DWORD, value is 20000 (making the number of ports available on the system larger).
- Linux
Run "vi / etc / sysctl.conf", edit the file, and then add the following contents:
net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle = 1
net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout = 30
Then execute "/ sbin / sysctl-p" to enable the parameter.
- Why some child nodes do not tile when using distributed tiles?
A: Please check the map data of child node. If you use the file datasource, you need to ensure the same path of map data in child node and parent node.
- When exporting the FastDFS map tiles into MBTiles file, the result is blank or incorrect.
A: Export MBTiles file when FastDFS map tiles are writing, so the file may not contain the new tiles. If the map tiles is the first time to write, the MBTiles may be blank; If it is not the first time to write, it may be the error result.
So export the MBTiles file after FastDFS map tile are written.
- When using distributed map tiling, as the result tiles in MongoDB which is deployed in Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 operating system grow gradually, MongoDB will exit without any exceptions and the exit time is also variable. How to solve?
A: You need to install the system path on your Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 which has installed MongoDB. Patch download address: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/2731284
- What requirements does iServer to the deployment path?
A: There is no parenthesis in the path of JDK/JRE; otherwise, it will lead to the failure of Oracle datasource connection.
- How to publish it as the SuperMap 3D service When KML file contains model data?
A: When KML file contains model data, it needs to zip all KML file, model data and texture. Then change the .zip extension to *.KMZ, which can be published as SuperMap 3D service.
- Why is the service blank when publishing data from Oracle datasource through 64-bit SuperMap iServer?
A: The 64-bit SuperMap iServer needs the 64-bit Oracle client. Make sure your current Oracle client is 64-bit.
- Why does fail to open Oracle database workspace?
A: When SuperMap iServer uses the database workspace, it may write the temporary file into the temporary directory (%Temp% of Windows and /tmp of Linux). If the temporary directory does not have enough space, the database workspace may not connect.
So if you use the database workspace, please make sure that the system temporary directory has enough space.
- How to adjust the frequency of inspection of database?
A: SuperMap iServer supports to adjust the frequency of the database. For example, the interval of whether the database workspace changes, or whether the database datasource is disconnect. The detailed method is: modify the <checkDatasourceConnectionInterval>Parameter Value in iserver-system.xml.
- On Linux platforms, why do I get an empty service when I use iServer to publish an Oracle (not 10.1) workspace?
A: It occurs because on the Linux platform, UGC lacks the dependant file libcIntch.so.10.1 when connecting to the Oracle server using Oracle Client. To solve this, you need to:
(1) Build a soft connection. Go to %ORCL_HOME%/lib, and build libcIntch.so.[version number] as a soft connection named libcIntch.so.10.1, by running the command: ln –s libcIntch.so.[Version Number] libcIntchso.10.1, as shown below:
(2) Validate UGO independancy. Go to UGO directory and execute the command: ldd –d libSuEngineOracle.so, then check the output info. If you don't get the message like “not found”, it means the UGO independancy is correct. Restart SuperMap iServer, and you can successfully access the service from the Oracle workspace.
- When using data query function by linking an external table which belongs to Oracle DB, sometimes the query result is empty. Why?
A: When performing Oracle query, if the length of the queried dataset name plus the queried field names exceed 27, then it fails. So ensure that the queried dataset name plus the queried field names is less than 27.
- I registered iServer as a Windows system service, and then started it. After that I published an Oracle data into map service and data service. In the maps resource pages, it can display the maps list, but when I access the map representation through iClient, such as iClient for JavaScript, it can't display the map. And in the datasources resource pages, it can't show any datasources. What should I do?
A: When you are using iServer as a system service and need to publish an Oracle data, it requires that the ORACLE_HOME system variable configuration must be set before the environment variables which set by registering iServer as a system service. You can make it right by the following steps:
(1) Delete the iServer system service which registered previously;
(2) Create a new system environment variable named "ORACLE_HOME", set the value with the Oracle installation directory; Then add "%ORACLE_HOME%\bin" into the Path system variable, and put it in the first place.
(3) Re-open a cmd Window, and register the iServer service.
- Why does mongoDB fail to start after the datastore is registered with iServer on the windows system?
A: Possible cause: The user who currently starts the datastore is not the same user as the user who owns the mongo file, and the current user doesn't have the permission to operate the files of the mongo owner.
Solution: Start the datastore with the user who owns the mongo file and then register into iServer.
- After the spatial data stored in the database is published as a service, in the case of large concurrent access scenarios, the problem of request blocking, whilte tile image, or the number of query results is 0 or -1, what are the possible reasons? How to solve?
A: Possible reasons: The number of database connections requested by the database type datasource is not enough. Take MySQL as an example. A map request or spatial query request will consume 3 MySQL connections. If the number of concurrent users is 100, it is expected that one datasource will apply for 300 database connections, and SuperMap by default is to apply for 100 database connections for a MySQL datasource.
Solution: Modify the MySQLMaxConn parameter in iServer's built-in iObjectJava/bin/SuperMap.xml, set the parameter to a value greater than 300, and restart iServer.