Configuring service providers through XML file


Service providers provide functions for service components, which are the sources of the service logic processing for the service components. SuperMap iServer allows users to customize service providers (iServer configuration file). The configuration of the service provider includes workspace path, cache path, cache access path, etc. Different service provider types have different configuration items.

The service provider is configured on the node <provider/>. Table 1 Implementation and configuration of service provider shows the basic type, the implementation class, the configuration class, etc.

Presetting local workspace path

For service providers that use local workspace as data source, iServer also supports to preset workspace paths in environment variables and in system configuration files, besides the way that you can set the whole or relative data path directly in the XML configuration file.

If you have preset the data path, you can directly read the workspace data from the path when configuring the service provider through XML without having to write the full data path.

Presetting through environment variable

The specific operation is as follows:

  1. Set the system environment variable for the workspace
  1. Use the existing environment variable in the service provider configuration file

Presetting through iServer sytem configuration file

The specific operation is as follows:

  1. Add the following configuration items for the workspace in the <properties> node of iserver-system.xml file. For configuration items, see: iServer Configuration file introduction
  1. Use the variables created in step 1 in the service provider configuration file


Note: If you set the workspace path in both of these ways, iServer preferentially uses the data set in the environment variable.


Implementation and configuration class of service provider

Table 1 Implementation and configuration class of service provider

Service provider type

Service provider implementation class


Service Provider configuration class



Local data service provider

UGCDataProvider UGCDataProviderSetting

WFS data service provider

WFSDataProvider WFSDataProviderSetting

REST data service provider

RestDataProvider RestDataProviderSetting

ArcGIS REST data service provider

ArcGISRestDataProvider  ArcGISRestDataProviderSetting

Aggregation data service provider

AggregationDataProvider AggregationDataProviderSetting
GeoPackage data service provider GeoPackageDataProvider GeoPackageDataProviderSetting

Shape map service provider

ShapeFileMapProvider ShapeFileMapProviderSetting

PostGIS map service provider

PostgisMapProvider PostgisMapProviderSetting
HBase map service provider HBaseMapProvider HBaseMapProviderSetting

Local map service provider

UGCMapProvider UGCMapProviderSetting

REST map service provider

RestMapProvider RestMapProviderSetting

SuperMap cloud map service provider

CloudMapProvider CloudMapProviderSetting

FastDFS map service provider

FastDFSTileProvider FastDFSTileProviderSetting

GDP map service provider

GDPMapProvider GDPMapProviderSetting

MongoDB map service provider

MongoDBTileProvider MongoDBTileProviderSetting

SMTiles map service provider

SMTilesMapProvider SMTilesMapProviderSetting

SVTiles map service provider

SVTilesMapProvider SVTilesMapProviderSetting

UGCV5 map service provider

UGCV5TileProvider UGCV5TileProviderSetting

WMS map service provider

WMSMapProvider WMSMapProviderSetting

WMTS map service provider

WMTSMapProvider WMTSMapProviderSetting

REST map service provider

RestMapProvider RestMapProviderSetting

Bing Maps service provider

BingMapsMapProvider BingMapsMapProviderSetting

Google Maps service provider

GoogleMapsMapProvider GoogleMapsMapProviderSetting

TianDiTu Map Service Provider

TiandituMapProvider TiandituMapProviderSetting

ArcGIS map service provider

ArcGISRestMapProvider ArcGISRestMapProviderSetting
TPK map service provider TPKMapProvider TPKMapProviderSetting

Aggregation map service provider

AggregationMapProvider AggregationMapProviderSetting

Baidu map service provider

BaiduMapProvider BaiduMapProviderSetting

OpenStreetMap map service provider

OpenStreetMapProvider OpenStreetMapProviderSetting
GeoPackage map service provider GeoPackageMapProvider GeoPackageMapProviderSetting

Shape map service provider

ShapeFileMapProvider ShapeFileMapProviderSetting

PostGIS map service provider

PostgisMapProvider PostgisMapProviderSetting
HBase map service provider HBaseMapProvider HBaseMapProviderSetting

Local 3D service provider

UGCRealspaceProvider UGCRealspaceProviderSetting

REST 3D service provider

RestRealspaceProvider RestRealspaceProviderSetting

MongoDB 3D service provider

MongoDBRealspaceProvider MongoDBRealspaceProviderSetting
Spatial Analysis

Local Spatial Analysis Service Provider

UGCSpatialAnalystProvider UGCSpatialAnalystProviderSetting

REST Spatial Analysis Service Provider

RestSpatialAnalystProvider RestSpatialAnalystProviderSetting
Transportation Analysis

Local transportation analysis service provider

UGCTransportationAnalystProvider TransportationAnalystSetting

REST transportation analysis service provider

RestTransportationAnalystProvider RestTransportationAnalystProviderSetting
Traffic Transfer Analysis

Local traffic transfer service provider

UGCTrafficTransferAnalystProvider TrafficTransferAnalystSetting

REST traffic transfer service provider

RestTrafficTransferAnalystProvider RestTrafficTransferAnalystProviderSetting
3D Network Analysis

3D network analysis service provider

UGCNetworkAnalyst3DProvider NetworkAnalyst3DSetting