Configuring service provider sets through XML file


The service provider set (<providerSet>) provides services to the service components (<component>). A service provider set contains one service provider reference or more. The service providers are divided into the generic service provider set, aggregation service provider set and cluster service provider set.

Configure generic service provider set

The service provider set is configured on the <providerSet> node. The following shows how to configure a <providerSet>:

<providerSet name="providerset1">

        <provider-reference name="ugcMapProvider1" enabled="true"></provider-reference>

        <provider-reference name="ugcMapProvider2" enabled="true"></provider-reference>


In <provider-reference/>, the name attribute refers the name of the service provider (namely the name attribute of <provider>), and the enabled attribute controls the use of this service provider.

For the reference of <providerSet> in the <component>, see Configuring service component.

The structure of <providerSet> in the configuration file is shown as follows:


Configure aggregation service provider set

The configuration of the aggregation service provider set is similar to the configuration of the generic service provider set. It is configured on the <providerSet> node. Assume that there is an aggregation service provider aggMapProvider1, then an example about the configuration of the aggregation service provider set aggproviderset is shown as follows:

<providerSet name="aggproviderset">

        <provider-reference name="aggMapProvider1" enabled="true"></provider-reference>


In <provider-reference>, the name attribute references the name of the aggregation service provider (namely, the name attribute of <provider>), and the enabled attribute controls the use of this aggregation service provider set.

For the configuration of the aggregation service provider, see the Configuring Aggregation Service Provider in Configuring Service Provider.