Backup and restore


SuperMap iServer supports to backup and restore the configuration information through backing up iserver-services-interfaces.xml, iserver-services-samples.xml, iserver-services-user.xml, iserver-system.xml. This function can be found on the Backup tab of iServer Manager.

When restore the services, the system will reserve the initial administrator account (the administrator account created when system initialization). Because the two may be different in some special cases.

This operation page is: http://localhost:8090/iserver/manager/backup.


Backup your current configuration. The default backup is, located in [SuperMap iServer_HOME]\webapps\iserver\WEB-INF\lib\iserver-all-xxxx.jar (xxxx is the version of SuperMap iServer).

On the Backup tab, input the name of the backup file and click Backup, the backup result will be placed in [SuperMap iServer_HOME]\webapps\iserver\WEB-INF\

backup folder.


Restore the configuration that you have backed up. There are two ways of restoring, Restore and Restore to default. Restore indicates that you choose your own backup file; Restore to indicate that the system adopts the default configuration file.