Publishing ArcGIS REST Network Analysis Service
You could publish ArcGIS REST network analysis service by the following steps:
- Click "Quick publish services" on iServer Manager homepage, selet "ArcGIS REST Network Analysis Service"as the data source, click next.
- Input service address for "ArcGIS REST Network Analysis URL", for example: http://localhost:6080/arcgis/rest/services/exercise/NAServer .If the service is not public, you need input the "Token" to access it and the "HTTP referer" which is used when applying Token.
- Select the network dataset to be published, route analysis layer, service area layer, nearest facilities analysis layer, click next.
- Choose the service type need to be published, for example, REST Transportation Analysis Service, click next.
- Now you could see service configuration information, including datasource, published service types and so on, click finish button to finish the publish process.
- After publishing, you could see the service name and hyperlink, for example: transportationAnalyst-Streets_ND2/rest, you can visit service directly by clicking the link.