Service providers


Classification of service providers are shown as follows:

Table 1. SuperMap iServer Service Provider

Service Provider Type Service Provider Name Description
DataProvider UGCDataProvider

SuperMap data service provider

Encapsulates with GIS functions related with SuperMap data.

Refer to UGCDataProvider.


WFS service provider

Used to access and get functions related with WFS service. Currently, the version number of WFS service provider supported by SuperMap iServer includes 1.0.0 and 2.0.0..

Refer to WFSDataProvider.


Rest data service provider

Used to access and get functions related with REST data.

Refer to RestDataProvider.


Data service provider which has the aggregation capability.

Implements data functions and integrates these functions by calling different service types of data service providers.

Refer to AggregationDataProvider.


GeoPackage data service provider.

Used to publish and access the GeoPackage.

Refer to GeoPackageDataProvider.


ArcGIS REST feature service provider.

Used to access and get functions related with ArcGIS REST feature services.

Refer to ArcGISRestDataProvider.


Shape data service provider.

Used to access and get functions related with shape data services.

Refer to ShapeFileDataProvider.


PostGIS data service provider.

Used to access and get functions related with PostGIS data services.

Refer to PostgisDataProvider.


HBase data service provider.

Used to access and get functions related with HBase data services.

Refer to HBaseDataProvider.

MapProvider UGCMapProvider

SuperMap map service provider.

Encapsulates functions related with SuperMap maps.

Refer to UGCMapProvider.


REST map service provider.

Used to access and get the funstions related to REST map service.

Refer to RESTMapProvider.


SuperMap cloud map service provider.

Used to access and get map services provided by SuperMap cloud map.

Refer to CloudMapProvider.


FastDFS map service provider.

Used to publish and access map tiles stored with FastDFS distributed storage.

Refer to FastDFSTileProvider.


GDP map service provider.

Used to publish and access GDP map tile package.

Refer to GDPMapProvider.


MongoDB map service provider.

Used to publish and access map tiles stored with MongoDB distributed storage.

Refer to MongoDBTileProvider.


SMTiles map service provider.

Used to publish and access SMTiles map tile package.

Refer to SMTilesMapProvider.


SVTiles map service provider.

Used to publish and access SVTiles vector tile package.

Refer to SVTilesMapProvider.


UGCV5 map service provider.

Used to publish and access UGCV5 map tiles.

Refer to UGCV5TileProvider.


WMS service provider.

Used to access and get functions related with WMS service. Currently, the version number of WMS service provider supported by SuperMap iServer includes 1.1.1 and 1.3.0.

Refer to WMSMapProvider.


WMTS service provider.

Used to access and get functions related with WMTS service. Currently, the version number of WMTS service provider supported by SuperMap iServer is 1.0.0.

Refer to WMTSMapProvider.


Bing Maps map service provider.

Used to access and get the map services provided by Bing Maps.

Refer to BingMapsMapProvider.


Tianditu map service provider.

Used to access and get map services provided by Tianditu.

Refer to TiandituMapProvider.


ArcGIS REST map service provider.

Used to access and get functions related with ArcGIS REST service.

Refer to ArcGISRestMapProvider.


ArcGIS REST map service provider.

Used to access and get map services provided by ArcGIS REST map services.

Refer to ArcGISRestMapProvider.

ArcGIS TPK map service provider

Used to publish and access TPK map tile package.

Refer to TPKMapProvider.


Baidu map service provider.

Used to access and get the online map service of Baidu map.

Refer to BaiduMapProvider.


OpenStreetMap map service provider.

Used to access and get the online map services of OpenStreetMap.

Refer to OpenStreetMapProvider.


Map service provider with aggregation capability.

Implements data functions and integrates these functions by calling different service types of map service providers.

Refer to GeoPackageMapProvider.


GeoPackage map service provider.

Used to publish and access GeoPackage tile package.
Refer to ArcGISCacheMapProvider.
MVTTileProvider UGCV5(MVT) map service provider.
Used to publish and access UGCV5(MVT) cache.
Refer to MVTTileProvider.
ShapeFileMapProvider Shape map service provider.
Used to publish and access Shape data.
Refer to ShapeFileMapProvider.
PostgisMapProvider PostGIS map service provider.
Used to publish and access PostGIS services.
Refer to PostgisMapProvider.
HBaseMapProvider HBase map service provider.
Used to publish and access HBase services.
Refer to HBaseMapProvider.
RealspaceProvider UGCRealspaceProvider

SuperMap 3D service provider.

Encapsulates functions related with SuperMap 3D.

Refer to UGCRealspaceProvider.

RestRealspaceProvider REST 3D map service provider.

Implements 3D-related functions with REST 3D services.

Refer to RestRealspaceProvider.


MongoDB 3D Service Provider.

Implements 3D-related functions with MongoDB 3D tiles.

Refer to MongoDBRealspaceProvider.

SpatialAnalystProvider UGCSpatialAnalystProvider

SuperMap spatial analysis provider.

Encapsulates functions related to SuperMap spatial analysis.

Refer to UGCSpatialAnalystProvider.


REST spatial analysis service provider.

Implements spatial analysis with REST Spatial anaysis.

Refer to RestSpatialAnalystProvider.

TransportationAnalystProvider UGCTransportationAnalystProvider

SuperMap netowrk analysis provider.

Encapsulates functions related with SuperMap network analysis.

Refer to UGCTransportationAnalystProvider.


REST transportation analysis service provider.

Implements functions related with transportation analysis with REST Transportation Analysis.

Refer to RestTransportationAnalystProvider.


ArcGIS REST network analysis service provider.

Encapsulates functions related with ArcGIS REST network analysis.

Refer to ArcGISRestNetworkAnalystProvider.

TrafficTransferAnalystProvider UGCTrafficTransferAnalystProvider

SuperMap traffic transfer analysis provider.

Encapsulates functions related with SuperMap traffic transfer analysis.

Refer to UGCTrafficTransferAnalystProvider .


REST Traffic Transfer Analysis service provider.

Implements functions related to traffic transfer analysis with REST traffic transfer analysis.

Refer to RestTrafficTransferAnalystProvider.

NetworkAnalyst3DProvider UGCNetworkAnalyst3DProvider

SuperMap 3D network analysis provider.

Encapsulates functions related with SuperMap 3D network analysis.

Refer to UGCNetworkAnalyst3DProvider .

Plotprovider UGCPlotProvider

SuperMap Plotting service provider.

Encapsulates functions related with plotting.

Refer to UGCPlotProvider.

AddressMatchProvider UGCAddressMatchProvider

SuperMap Address matching service provider.

Encapsulates functions related with address matching services.

Refer to UGCAddressMatchProvider.