Securing GIS data


GIS data acquisition and production process often cost huge resources, in which 3D data is particulaly expensive. Moreover many large scale data may be related to national security, so to ensure the safety of GIS data is very important. SuperMap iServer supports encryption when generating cache data, and encryption of 3D cache when the client is browsing 3D service.

Encrypt when creating cache data

SuperMap's map cache and scene cache both support encrypted storage, and map cache needs to be stored in compact format to be encrypted. The encrypted cache data need to provide the passowrd to be reused,ensuring data security.

Encrypt for 3D client cache

The principle of encryption:After iServer starts, a random code will be generated,when iClient is browsing 3D service,the 3D data will be stored and encrypted by the code from the server.

The administrator of server can modify the default code, and set that whether 3D cache data can be copied. The detail:


The default passoword is generated by iServer randomly, varies from each product package. After uses backup and restore function to modify the server setting the password will return to a specific status.