Configure to use the accounts which follow OAuth2 protocol


iPortal, iServer and iEdge not only support using the existing account to log in, but also support using the third-party account which uses OAuth2.0 protocol. Below will show how to use it in iServer.

iServer currently supports directly configuring QQ, Sina Weibo accounts login, also supports the use of other third-party accounts which follow OAuth2.0 protocol through extensions, please refer to: Extension for the use of other third-party accounts which follow OAuth2.0 protocol .

Third-party account login configuration

Access iServer Manager, click Security>Third-party Configuration to get the configuration web page, and start to configure.

Configure QQ account login

Configure Sina Weibo account login

Log in with third-party accounts

After the configuration, you can use the service domain(callback domain) to access the login page, view all the configured login ways, and use the third-party account to login iPortal, iServer or iEdge. Below will introduce how to login iServer with QQ account.

Click the button QQ account login to pop up the login page, input the correct QQ account name and password. If it is the first time to use this login way, after clicking "Authorize and login", it will display the following dialog:

If you already have an iServer account, please click "binding iServer account" to bind QQ account and iServer account, next time you can use both of them to login iServer, and when you use the QQ account to login, it will grant you the same privileges with the iServer account role.

If you don't have an iServer account, or you don't want to bind iServer account and QQ account, please click Immediate login button. The user name will be a random string which can be viewed in the user management page(http://localhost:8090/iserver/manager/security/users). Note: If you don't bind the two accounts at the first time, you can only use QQ account to login iServer later on, and only can access the service instances.