Port introduction


SuperMap iServer defaults using some HTTP ports. Before starting iServer, ensure that these ports are not occupied by other programs and are opened by firewalls.

The following is a list of ports used by iServer:

Port Use Can be modified or not?
8090 for starting Tomcat service Yes
8015 for stopping Tomcat service Yes
1947 used by license service No
8100 through which processes communicate with each other when using multi-processes Yes
8900-9000 for starting process nodes when starting multi-processes service Yes
10070 used to store temp resources by HSQLDB when using multi-processes Yes


Tomcat ports(8090, 8015)

Tomcat uses 8090 to start services, and uses 8015 to stop service. And you can modify them through server.xml configuration file which locates in [SuperMap iServer installation location]\conf directory.

Multi-process ports(8100, 8900-9000)

The ports used by multi-process function can be modified via iServer WebManager or configuration file. Please see: Configuring multi-process, iserver-system.xml.

Cluster ports

Besides, SuperMap iServer provides cluster technology to boost performance and server stability. After clustering servers, the port provided is the port of the parent node. While deploying SuperMap iServer packages, ports can be modified. Server port deployed on a child node can also be modified. While using a cluster, a port needs to be opened for the service process of each child node and child nodes deployed on the same machine should have different ports. For more details, please refer to Considerations on building clusters.

DB ports

If users are using datbase datasources, such as SQL Server, Oracle, etc. datasources, ports for the databases should also be opened.



As shown in the figure above, each node server (like node a and b), or database (like database c) in the GIS system has its own port and the parent node has the default external access port 8090, that is, only the port 8090 needs to be opened on firewall.