Managing Keys


SuperMap iPortal provides the keys management function. Administrators can view, retrieve, and delete all keys in the portal, and can modify the default quota of key access through the configuration file, review quota applications submitted by other users in the portal after enabling the quota review function.

Keys management

Log in to the portal homepage as an administrator, and click "Management" > "Security" > "Keys" > "Keys Management" to enter the Keys Management page, you can perform the following operations:

Quota Review

Log in to the portal homepage as an administrator, and click "Management" > "Security" > "Keys" > "Keys Quota Review" to enter the Keys Quota Review page. The quota review function is disabled by default, you can evaluate whether you need to enable it according to your business needs. When quota reviewing is disabled, users can set the quota for key access by themselves after adding a key, without the administrator's approval; if enabled, users need to submit a quota application to the administrator if they want to change the key quota. The key quota will take effect only after the administrator has approved it. The quota review function helps administrators to take corresponding measures such as server scaling and other measures to ensure the stability and performance of the portal software platform according to the quota increase requirements.

After enabling the quota review function, you can perform the following operations:

Modify default quota

iPortal provides 1w times/day access quota for each associated resource of the key by default. The administrator can modify the default quota via the <keyConfig> node of the iportal.xml file in the %SuperMap iPortal_HOME%/webapps/iportal/WEB-INF directory.








