Add basemap


3D geography design provides a rich library of basemap styles, supporting online basemaps and custom basemaps.


Online basemap

The online basemap supports 2 types of basemaps, image and terrain.

Image-based online basemaps include: Bing Map, Tianditu Map, and Electronic Map.

Topography online basemaps include: STK topography, Tianditu topography, SuperMapOnline topography.

Custom basemap

Custom basemap support image, terrain, s3m layer, mvt vector 4 categories.

Image class basemap: http://localhost:8090/iserver/services/3D-test/rest/realspace/datas/cache name.

Topographic basemap: http://localhost:8090/iserver/services/3D-test/rest/realspace/datas/cache name.

s3m layers: http://localhost:8090/iserver/services/data-test/rest/datas//dataset name/config.

mvt vector: http://locahost:8090/iserve/services/map-test/rest/maps/map name.


  1. If you find no ball in the scene after entering the SuperMap iDesigner3D interface, you need to check whether your network is a LAN and cannot access the online basemap. If so, you need to hide or remove the Bing Map under the image in the basemap.
  2. This product is geo-designed for lightweight data (sub-district level) and does not support large-scale data.