View creating and linkage display


DataInsights supports visualizing spatial data on map, creating thematic maps, creating charts by one-click and supports mouse drag operations. Maps include Classic, Unique, Range, Symbol Size and Heatmap; charts include Histogram, Bar chat, Bar graph, Pie chart, Line chart, Tree chart, Radar chart, Word cloud, Scatter chart, Box chart, Heat chart and Relation graph. Text view and Image view are also supported.

Views can be repositioned and reordered by dragging and dropping, and each view size can be adjusted by dragging in eight directions. The added views can be downloaded as PNG individually, while the entire workbench can be exported as PNG or PDF. Additionally, multiple maps and charts created based on the same data are linked by default; all map views support view synchronously based on the center point.

Create maps

Three ways are supported for creating maps:

Note 1: The map views can be created when the projection of the added data is EPSG Code: 4326, EPSG Code: 3857, EPSG Code:4490, or Baidu coordinates.

Note 2: Maps with projections EPSG Code: 4326, EPSG Code: 3857, and EPSG Code:4490 can be added to the "My Maps" list.

Toolbar and Map Controls

The selected Map View will display the title and a toolbar with "Lower", "Export", "Clear Highlight", "Maximize/Return", and "close" buttons. The specific functions are as follows:

The left side of the map view lists controls, including zoom in, zoom out, reset bearing, maximize, and measure controls. The specific functions are as follows:

Additionally, DataInsights provides in the right-hand panel of the editor to display the layers in the current map, and you can create different thematic maps based on each layer; , with analysis functions for data added to the map, see: Performing analysis; , to modify the map view title, add remarks, and change the basemap. Map views created by default will use the default basemap set in the toolbar "Settings > Map > Basemap". The detailed operations of are as follows:

Types of thematic maps


Set a global style for all features in the layer based on the selected data field.  The point feature layer supports setting the color of the point symbol; the line feature layer supports setting the line style and color; the polygon feature layer supports setting the fill color.


Set a unique rendering style for each class of features with the same thematic value based on the selected data field, and you can distinguish features of different thematic values by their color.


Range thematic maps require the selected field to be of the numeric type. In a range thematic map, the thematic values are divided into different segments according to the segment method. The features are assigned to one of the segments according to their thematic values and use the same style within the same range segment. A criterion for good segmentation is whether features with similar values are in the same segment. Two important factors determine the presence of a range thematic map: the segment method and the number of segments. The DataInsights supports the following segment methods:

Symbol Size

Symbol Size thematic map is similar to the range thematic map, except that each segment is represented by a dot symbol of a different size. DataInsights supports setting minimum radius, maximum radius, and fill color of the dot symbol. Only point features support this thematic map.


Heatmap shows the distribution of two-dimensional discrete data by color, and it can present the trend of decay of the weight value of each discrete point and the superposition of decay between discrete points. Heatmap needs to set the weight field, hotspot radius (in pixels), and color. Only point features support this thematic map.

Create charts

Similar to maps, creating charts supports two ways:


The selected Chart View will display the title and a toolbar with "Export", "Clear Highlight", "Maximize/Return", and "Close" buttons. The specific functions are as follows.

Additionally, DataInsights provides for switching chart types, setting chart parameters and styles; , for filtering the range of data in the chart; and , for modifying the chart basic information. The following are introductions of chart type:

Types of Chart

The Histogram is the default chart type in DataInsights, and you can change the chart type to suit your business needs. To do this, click on the current chart view, click on "Chart" > "Type" in the panel on the right, then click on the chart type you want to switch to in the drop-down list. DataInsights supports creating Histogram, Bar Chart, Bar Graph, Pie Chart, Line Chart, Tree Chart, Radar Chart, Word Cloud, Scatter Chart, Box Chart, Heat Chart, and Relation Graph.


The histogram uses a series of bars of varying height to indicate the data distribution.It supports changing parameters, changing styles, and filtering the range of data displayed in the chart.



Click on "Chart" > "Style" on the right-hand panel to set the style of the histogram.


Click on the "Filter" on the right-hand panel to select the range of data to be displayed on the X-axis.

Bar Chart

The bar chart uses the height of the bar as a variable to indicate the data distribution.It supports changing parameters, changing styles, and filtering the range of data displayed in the chart.




Click on the "Filter" on the right-hand panel to select the range of data to be displayed on the X-axis.

Bar Graph

The bar graph uses the length of the bar as a variable to indicate the data distribution.It supports changing parameters, changing styles, and filtering the range of data displayed in the chart.



Click on "Chart" > "Style" on the right-hand panel to set the style of the bar graph.


Click on the "Filter" on the right-hand panel to select the range of data to be displayed on the Y-axis.

Pie Chart

The pie chart shows the proportion of data in the total by dividing the size of the sector.It supports changing parameters, changing styles, and filtering the range of data displayed in the chart.



Click on "Chart" > "Style" on the right-hand panel to set the style of the pie chart.


Click on the "Filter" on the right-hand panel to select the range of data to be displayed in the pie chart.

Line Chart

The line chart displays the distribution and trend of data by connecting the data points with line segments.It supports changing parameters, changing styles, and filtering the range of data displayed in the chart.



Click on "Chart" > "Style" on the right-hand panel to set the style of the line chart.


Click on the "Filter" on the right-hand panel to select the range of data to be displayed on the X-axis.

Tree chart

The tree chart shows the proportion of data categories by the size of the rectangle. It distinguishes the different categories by color and is suitable for presenting data from multiple categories.It supports changing parameters, changing styles, and filtering the range of data displayed in the chart.



Click on "Chart" > "Style" on the right-hand panel to set the style of the tree chart.


Click on the "Filter" on the right-hand panel to select the range of data to be displayed in the tree chart.

Radar chart

The radar chart displays multivariate data in the form of two-dimensional charts of three or more variables displayed on axes starting at the same point, where the relative positions and angles of the axes are usually meaningless.It supports changing parameters, changing styles, and filtering the range of data displayed in the chart.



Click on "Chart" > "Style" on the right-hand panel to set the style of the radar chart.


Click on the "Filter" on the right-hand panel to select the range of data to be displayed in the radar chart.

Word Cloud

The word cloud is a visual description of a keyword, which visually represents its frequency of occurrence by the size of the keyword.It supports changing parameters, changing styles, and filtering the range of data displayed in the chart.



Click on "Chart" > "Style" on the right-hand panel to set the style of the word cloud.


Click on the "Filter" on the right-hand panel to select the range of data to be displayed in the word cloud.

Scatter Chart

The scatter chart indicates the approximate trend in the change of the dependent variable with the independent variable, based on which a suitable function can be selected to fit the data points. It shows the interrelationship, distribution, or trend between the two variables by the points formed by the data.It supports changing parameters, changing styles, and filtering the range of data displayed in the chart.



Click on "Chart" > "Style" on the right-hand panel to set the style of the scatter chart.


Click on the "Filter" on the right-hand panel to select the range of data to be displayed in the box chart.

Box Chart

The box chart displays the maximum, minimum, median, upper, and lower quartiles of a set of data as a box, while isolated points not in the box are outliers.It supports changing parameters, changing styles, and filtering the range of data displayed in the chart.



Click on "Chart" > "Style" on the right-hand panel to set the style of the box chart.


Click on the "Filter" on the right-hand panel to select the range of data to be displayed on the X-axis.

Heat Chart

The heat chart correlates two variables to show hot spots, cold spots, and specific indicators. The heat chart can display the data distribution visually.It supports changing parameters, changing styles, and filtering the range of data displayed in the chart.



Click on "Chart" > "Style" on the right-hand panel to set the style of the heat chart.

Relation Graph

The relation graph shows the degree of association between data.It supports changing parameters, changing styles, and filtering the range of data displayed in the chart.



Click on "Chart" > "Style" on the right-hand panel to set the style of the relation graph.


Click on the "Filter" on the right-hand panel to select the range of data to be displayed on the X- and Y-axis.

Create texts

In the upper navigation bar, select "Add Views >Text" to create a text view for adding a title or description for your insight item. The text view provides a toolbar with "Export" (export the current text view as a PNG file), "Maximize", and "Close" buttons. The right-hand panel supports setting the view title and text styles including background color, font, font size, alignment, etc.

Create images

In the upper navigation bar, select "Add Views >Image" to create an image view, then upload local picture to the image view to create a richer visual insight project or use it as an auxiliary display for analysis reports. The image view provides a toolbar with "Export" (export the current image view as a PNG file), "Maximize", and "Close" buttons. The right-hand panel supports setting the view title and re-uploading the image.

View linkage and sync maps range

View linkage is offered for discovering the association between spatial data and attribute data. Only the maps and charts created based on the same data can be displayed in association. Linkage display is opened by default. You can open/close in the View Setting at the upper right bar.

Specific operation: Select the data displayed on map or chart, the associated data on other map or chart will be highlighted. As shown in the figure below, on the right histogram click the first column, ie., the date is "May 21 00:00:00 EDT 2008", then all the house properties sold on this day are filtered and highlighted on the left map, and you can also have a glance at which cities in CA state have transactions on this day. To clear the highlights, select any of linkage views, click "Clear Highlight" on the upper right of the view. After clearing, you can re-select the linkage data.


Additionally, DataInsights supports sync maps range, which means when browsing a map view, other map views will automatically move or zoom in and out in sync based on the same center point. Sync maps range is not enabled by default, and you can turn it on by clicking on 'View settings > Sync maps range' in the top right toolbar.