Getting Started


SuperMap iPortal has a built-in, out-of-box WebApp (MapDashboard), which provides a rich library of visual components to help users build various two-dimensional and three-dimensional map applications easily via a graphical interface and interactive operations. MapDashboard WebApp is applied to various projects such as conferences and exhibitions, business monitoring, analysis and decision.

Usage workflow

MapDashboard supports to add a variety of visual components, it is convenient for you to quickly create a map visual dashboard. In the navigation bar of SuperMap iPortal home page, click MapDashboard in the "Application Center" drop-down menu to enter MapDashboard, where you can create dashboard, add visual components, set dashboard, preview/save and publish.

After logging in to iPortal, you can access the MapDashboard WebApp in the following ways to create dashboard resources (requires the user to be a "creator" type and have roles with permissions to create, update, and delete dashboards, such as PORTAL_USER. For the division of user type and permission in iPortal, see: Role, User Type and Permissions):

The general process of creating a new map screen includes: create dashboard, add visual components, set dashboard, preview/save and publish.

Create dashboard

MapDashboard provides a variety of built-in dashboard templates. You can quickly create a visual dashboard based on the templates or customize a new MapDashboard. For details about creating project, see: Create dashboard.

Add visual components

MapDashboard provides a rich library of visual components, including: map components, map subcomponents, chart components, basic components, data components, tool components, layout components, etc. MapDashboard also supports users to expand and develop various custom components. You can use interactive operations to add various visual components. For details about adding visual components, see: Add visual components.

Dashboard setting

After adding visual components, you can create a dashboard meeting your visualization needs with various dashboard settings. For details, see: Style setting.

Preview, save and publish

The finished dashboard supports to preview effects with different kinds of devices such as Web and mobile environments. You can also save the dashboard results and publish them as online projects or download dashboard source code for offline deployment. For details, see: Preview, save and publish.