Add visual components


The MapDashboard WebApp provides a rich library of visual components, including 7 categories such as layout, map, map sub-components, charts, basics, data, tools, etc. You can use simple interactive operations to create different types of components to create visual dashboard applications:

Besides, the MapDashboard also supports users to develop new components and provides several custom component demos for you to try. For specific development methods of custom components, see: Component development guide.

Add and manage data

Some visual components (such as chart components, data components, and text lists, etc.) need to be associated with data for use. The MapDashboard provides a data panel to facilitate adding, viewing, and managing the data involved in these components:

Basic properties of components

The following are the attribute settings common to all components:

For unique attribute configuration items of each component, you can set them in the right-side panel of the component. For details, please refer to the documentation of each component.

Component interaction settings

The MapDashboard app provides a wealth of interactive operations for the components to realize the linkage response between the components and make your dashboard applications more vivid.

The objects of component interaction are the trigger component and the target component. The premise of the interactive operation is that the trigger component and the target component contain the same data or the data between the components can be associated through a certain field. The interactive components and interactive operations supported by MapDashboard are shown in Table 1.

The following introduces how to set the component interaction in a dashboard:

  1. Select a trigger component, and in the interactive settings panel on the right, add a trigger;

  2. After adding a trigger, click "Add Operation", select the target component, target operation, target data in turn, and click the "Add" button to complete the component interaction settings.

Table 1 Interactive components and interactive operations supported by MapDashboard

Component name Can be used as a trigger component Supported triggers

Can be used as a target component

Supported target operations


Feature Selection
Bounds Change

Highlight Feature
Switch Data
Add to Map
Zoom to Map



Record Selection

Filter Data
Highlight Feature
Switch Data


Record Selection

Filter Data
Highlight Feature
Switch Data


Record Selection

Filter Data
Highlight Feature
Switch Data


Record Selection

Filter Data
Highlight Feature
Switch Data


Record Selection

Filter Data
Highlight Feature
Switch Data


Record Selection

Filter Data
Highlight Feature
Switch Data




Display Data
Switch Data

Liquid Fill



Display Data
Switch Data




Display Data
Switch Data

Ring ProgressBar



Display Data
Switch Data
Common Text



Display Data
Switch Data
Switch Href
Text List

Record Selection

Filter Data
Highlight Feature
Switch Data



Display Data

Switch Data




Display Data




Display Data






data Data Switcher

Switched Data



Time Range

Switched Data



Time Line

Switched Data



Time Player

Switched Data




After adding the visual components, you can further set other useful settings for the dashboard.