Adding layers


After choosing base map, in the "layer" tab, you can add layer according to the specific demand, such as: adding by files, adding by search, adding by Web, in addition you can also add marker layer, and then directly draw and add Marker.

Adding by files

In the "add layer" tab, selecting the "Adding by files", you can add some elements to the map by uploading files. Currently supporting uploading delimited text file in csv format (UTF-8 code or GBK code) and excel files (*. xlsx or *. xls), the uploaded files needs to consist of a data column representing geographic coordinate. The specific steps are as follows:

  1. In the "add layer" tab, selecting the "Adding by files", you can select the coded format of being uploaded files, currently supporting UTF-8 code or GBK code
  2. Clicking on the "select file" button, finding the required uploaded files in computer
  3. After selecting the file, double clicking the file or clicking on the "open" button, it will display the file's name and attribute table, the file's name is the name of added vector layers, you can modify the name. The vector layer name is not allowed to repeat by default.
  4. If the fields in an attribute table appear to be garbled, you can try to modify the file coded format
  5. Clicking an attribute data to modify, when users move the mouse to a label of a line, it will display the delete button, clicking the delete button to delete the attribute data of the line
  6. Clicking "next", the system will automatically identify the latitude and longitude columns, you can also manually specify columns where the latitude and longitude locate
  7. Finally clicking on the "ok" button, and upload files to the map to add some elements, for the data entry which is not in conformity with the provisions, the system will automatically filter it out

After the success of uploading files, you can view the attribute data of the individual element, you can also view the attribute table information The added point element layer in the uploaded file displays a basic style (basic thematic map) by default, of course, you can also make single value thematic map, subtopic thematic map and heat map.

Querying attribute table

Adding the vector element layer by uploading files, supporting viewing the attribute table information of the layer . Clicking on the "" button at the right of vector layer name, in the drop-down box, selecting the attribute table, it will pop up the layer's attribute table information, you can operate on the attribute table as follows:

Showing and hiding the attribute table fields

Clicking on the "" button at the right of vector layer name, in the drop-down box, selecting the "layer attribute", in the pop-up layer attribute dialog box, clicking on the icon on the back of the attribute field, users can control the attribute fields to show and hide in the attribute table or attribute information of a single element. For example, you don't want to display the latitude and longitude coordinates fields in the attribute table, you can hide the two fields in the layer attribute dialog box.

Uploading file supporting dynamic projection

If the uploaded vector source file projection is not in conformity with the target base map projection, it will automatically project and transform, and stack correctly after transforming into a consistent projection with the base map. At present, the file source projection supporting the dynamic projection includes: EPSG Code: 4326, EPSG Code: 3857 and Baidu coordinates, it can stack correctly with any target base map projection includes: EPSG Code: 4326, EPSG Code: 3857, Baidu coordinate and Google coordinates. Introduction about EPSG Code please see: EPSG Code supported by SuperMap.

Adding by search

In the "layer" tab, selecting the "adding by search", you can open "adding by search" dialog box. You can either add the map service released by uploading data yourself, or you can choose the existing map drawing in the portal as layer by searching.

Adding the service I publish

The service I publish refers to the service released by uploading data, about how to publish services please refer to: upload data and publish service. In the "adding by search" tab, clicking on the "service I publish" button, it will list the available map services, namely: RESTMAP type of service, if you haven't released any map service, you can go to the my data page to upload data and publish service.

Adding map resources by search

In the "adding by search" tab, clicking on the "map resources" button, you can choose the existing map drawing in the portal as added layer by searching, it supports projection automatically matching and filtering, and the map which does not match the current base map projection can be automatically filtered out, which ensures that all the displaying maps can directly stack with the current base maps.

Adding by Web

In the "Adding by Web" tab, you need to choose service type, set service address.

At present, it supports adding iServer's REST map service, data service, temporal-spatio data service, OGC standard's WMS and the WMTS services:

Example: Adding SuperMap REST temporal-spatio data services

  1. Selecting the "adding by Web" tab, data sources selecting “SuperMap REST Data Service”
  2. Entering a valid service address, its format is:http://<server>:<port>/iserver/services/{data-provider}/rest/data/datasources/{DataSourceName} orhttp://<server>:<port>/iserver/services/{data-provider}/rest/data/datasources/{DataSourceName}/datasets/{DataSetName}, for example:
  3. If users input the above data service address into the level of data set, and it contains the time data, users can choose to open the timeline, check the "open time axis", select "time field", "time scope", "layer type", click on the "add" button.

After adding temporal-spatio data services, you can edit layer style, for details please refer to: modify layer style

Adding maker layer

Clicking the "adding maker layer" tab, selecting the"add maker layer", and users can create a new maker layer.

The basic operations of a layer

Clicking the "layer" tab, it will display all layers of current map, clicking the icon at the back of layer name, you can selectively operate on different layer styles as follows:

In addition, it also supports measuring the map, clicking the measuring icon on the right side of the map window, users can operate as follows: