Configure layer style


MapStudio WebApp is a powerful map editor, providing a wealth of style configuration items, to help you customize map styles flexibly and make more exquisite maps. Specifically, MapStudio WebApp supports setting the zoom display level of layers, to present the best visual effects for browsing the map. Supports customizing layer styles, to create delicate maps. And supports filtering layer elements to accurately and concisely convey map information.


Set layer display level

By setting the display level range of the layer, the layer can be displayed in a certain level range, and the layer under other levels will be automatically hidden. The specific operations are as follows:

  1. Select the target layer and click the "Properties" button on the right sidebar to enter the layer display level setting item.
  2. Drag the white solid round point at both ends of the slider to set the maximum and minimum display levels of the layer. The supported level ranges from 0 to 24. Among them, the position of the hollow point on the slider represents the current display level of the layer.

Define layer styles

For vector tile layers added via web or layers added via data upload, you can customize the styles of point, line,and  polygon layers in the "Style" panel on the right sidebar.

Point layer

Map Studio provides three rendering styles for point layers, namely basic style, heat map style, and aggregation style. Among them, the heatmap and aggregation map styles are only available for point layers generated with structured data.

Basic style

The basic style allows you to define the icon style of point elements, overlay text labels, and set the text style and layout.

Icon style
Text style

You can choose a field to display texts on the point layer.

Heat map style

A heat map describes population distribution, density, and changing trends through color distribution.

You can customize the heatmap style by modifying the following configuration items:

Aggregate map style

An aggregation map is to gather scattered point elements in a certain area into a symbol by an aggregation method. When there are too many point elements, it can effectively improve the legibility of the map and improve the efficiency of map rendering.

You can customize the style of an aggregation map by setting aggregation parameters, point icon style, and label text style. Among them, for the detailed introduction of point icon style and label text setting items, please refer to: Basic Style.

Aggregation parameters

Line layer



The line layer supports adding icons and text-shaped labels. For specific settings, please refer to: Basic Style.

Polygon layer

Fill and Outline

3D style

The polygon layer supports turning on the 3D effect. By setting the height field, the polygons on the layer can be stretched to present a three-dimensional effect and display the shape of the ground objects more realistically. You can right-click and drag the map to adjust the map's  tilt angle to browse the 3D map.

The 3D effect includes the following settings:


The polygon layer supports adding icons and text-shaped labels. For specific settings, please refer to: Basic Style.

Data-driven mapping

MapStudio incorporates a data-driven mapping method in the basic style. It can assign distinct styles, such as colors, sizes, transparency, text, and other styles, to data values returned from a field in a layer, to represent multi-dimensional attributes with just a single data. In the styles panel, all the styles with the icon support data-driven mapping.

Here we'll take the style of the point layer as an example to show you how to perform data-driven mapping:

  1. Click the icon to open the attribute-based style panel.
  2. Select the data attribute to be expressed on the map.
  3. Select the rendering method, unique values rendering, or rang rendering.

Unique values rendering

A unique values thematic map is to group features with the same thematic value into one category, and set a rendering style, such as color, for each category. The unique values thematic map is applicable for geological maps, landform maps, vegetation maps, land use maps, political and administrative division maps, natural division maps, economic division maps, etc.

When data-driven is enabled, the unique valuess rendering mode is used by default. If the field type is numeric, MapStudio will automatically interpolate vaules based on the maximum and minimum values of the data to construct a linear function, and then style other values in the data based on the linear function. You can manually modify interpolation points and styles, or click "+" to add interpolation points. After modification, the linear function will be recalculated.

You can also use custom relationships to manually style each category separately. In the custom relationship, when the number of categories exceeds 100, only the first 100 categories in the data are assigned different styles by default, and the categories that exceed the number are uniformly rendered in the default style. If you do not want some categories to use the default style, you can click "+" to move the categories in the default style list to the custom list and specify a style for them separately. Click the symbol on the right of "Default Style" to modify the default style.

Ranges rendering

The ranges thematic map is generally used to reflect the quantity or degree characteristics of continuous distribution phenomena, such as the distribution of precipitation, the distribution of soil erosion intensity, etc. Features are classified into different ranges according to their thematic values and the classification method; in each range, they are displayed with the same color. Note that the thematic field must be of numeric type.

Range mode: The equal interval classification method is used by default to divide the thematic value into 6 ranges. You can switch the range method and reset the number of ranges as required. Supported classification methods are equal interval, natural break, square root, standard deviation, logarithmic, and custom range.

Range number: it can be divided into 2-15 ranges by default. You can change the range number.

Range style: MapStudio has assigned a default style to the range field you selected. You can modify the style of a range separately, click any symbol under the style column, and modify it in the pop-up box.

Filter layer features

After you set filter criteria for a layer, features that match the filter criteria will appear in the layer. The specific operations are as follows:

  1. Select a layer, click "Filter" in the right sidebar.
  2. Click 'Add filter' to add and set the filter expression. Specify filter fields, operations, and values in proper order. For examples, to filter feature which 'id'='100', you can specify 'id' for field, '==' for operation and '100' for value.  The filter operations include:

Table 1 Description of filter operations

Filter operation











Does not exist 




Greater than


Greater than or equal


Less than


Less than or equal

  1. After the filter expression setting has completed, set the filter match way, including: "every filter matches", "any filter matches", "no filter matches".
  1. For connected vector tile services and map services, some layers already contain filter conditions, which you can modify or recreate new filter conditions.