View maps


After retrieving the maps you are interested in, you can use the built-in DataViz WebApp or MapStudio WebApp to browse the map via one of the following ways (View permission is required. If you only have search permission, you need to perform Resource Application and Authorization first):

View the map using DataViz WebApp

DataViz WebApp is a professional online mapping application software for users to quickly make online map and collaboratively edit (For details of supported browsers, see: Supported Browsers by DataViz). The following will introduce the supported operations when browsing a map with DataViz WebApp.

Browsing maps

Drag the map to browse different areas of the map. Click the features on the map to view the attributes.

Zooming maps

Click the "zoom in/out" icon on the right side, or directly use mouse scrolling to zoom a map. Click the "entire" icon to zoom the map to the current window size.

View map details

Click the "details" button on the upper-left corner to view the detailed information of the map, including map name, label, author, description, update time, etc.

Map measurement

When browsing a map, you can click the "measure" icon on the right side to measure the features in the map. Distance and area measurement is supported.

Edit maps

The "Edit" button on the upper-left corner allows you to edit the map with WebApp if you have edit permission. For detailed edit operations, please refer to: Create maps with DataViz WebApp.

View the map using MapStudio WebApp

MapStudio is a brand-new online map application, supporting more flexible map style configuration. The following will introduce the supported operations when browsing a map with MapStudio WebApp.

Browsing maps

Drag the map to browse different areas of the map. Click the features on the map to view the attributes.

Zooming maps

Click the "zoom in/out" icon  on the right side, or directly use mouse scrolling to zoom a map. Click the "entire" icon to zoom the map to the current window size.

View map details

Click the "details" button on the upper-left corner to view the detailed information of the map, including map name, label, author, description, update time, etc.

Layer management

You can click the icon in the upper right corner to view the map layer list and click the icon to control the visibility of the layer list. For a single layer, click the icon to control the visibility of the layer, click the icon to pop up the attribute table information of the layer. You can perform the following operations on the attribute table:

Edit maps

The "Edit" button on the upper-left corner allows you to edit the map with WebApp if you have edit permission. For detailed edit operations, please refer to: Create maps with MapStudio WebApp.