

  1. <datasources_uri>/name/{datasourceName}[.<format>]
  2. <datasources_uri>/index/{datasourceIndex}[.<format>]
  3. <datasources_uri>/{datasourceName}[.<format>]
  4. <datasources_uri>/{datasourceIndex}[.<format>]

Supported methods


Parent resource


Child resources



A datasource resource represents a datasource. The datasource resource provides the datasource information and entries for accessing its datasets. You can modify the datasource information by implementing the PUT request on the datasource resource. The information about the datasource you can get through the datasource resource includes: the datasource name, dataset description, engine type, distance unit, coordinate unit, projection, etc. The information that can be modified includes: the dataset description, distance unit, coordinate unit, etc.

The datasource   resource can be identified with 4 ways of URIs. URI1 identifies a datasource with /name/{datasourceName}, i.e., the "/name" tag and the datasource name. URI2 identifies a datasource with /index/{datasourceIndex}, i.e., the /index tag and the datasoruce index. URI3 identifies a datasource with /{datasourceName}, i.e., the datasource name. URI4 identifies a datasource with /{datasourceIndex}, i.e., the datasource index. datasourceName is used to identify a datasource resource with a higher priority.


Supported methods:

Supported output formats: rjson, json, html, xml.

GIS Services Resource Hierarchy

root data datasources.htm datasource.htm

HTTP request methods

Implement the HTTP request on the following URI, where supermapiserver is the server name and World is a datasource on the server, and get the response in rjson format.


Get request

Gets the datasource information and the dataset information list.

Request parameters


Response structure

When implementing the GET request on the datasource resource, the representation of the resource returned is included in the entity body of the response message, as shown below:  

Field Type Description
datasourceInfo DatasourceInfo Includes the information such as the datasource name, datasource description, engine type, projection, unit, etc.
childUriList List<String> Child resources, that is, the URI list for datasets in the datasource.

The datasourceInfo field describes the datasource information. Please see the introduction to the DatasourceInfo type in javadoc to know the structure of datasourceInfo. For your convenience, the structure list of the datasourceInfo field is listed below.

Field Type Description
coordUnit Unit The unit for the coordinates.
description String The description of the datasource.
distanceUnit Unit The distance unit.
engineType EngineType The engine type of the datasource. Readonly.
name String The alias of the datasource. Used to uniquely identify a datasource in the workspace. Readonly.
prjCoordSys PrjCoordSys The projection.

Example usage

Implement the GET request on the datasource resource with http://supermapiserver:8090/iserver/services/data-world/rest/data/datasources/name/World.rjson to get the response in rjson format, as shown below:


    "childUriList": ["http://supermapiserver:8090/iserver/services/data-world/rest/data/datasources/name/World/datasets"],

    "datasourceInfo": {

        "coordUnit": "DEGREE",

        "description": "",

        "distanceUnit": "METER",

        "engineType": "UDB",

        "name": "World",

        "prjCoordSys": {

            "coordSystem": {

                "datum": {

                    "name": "D_WGS_1984",

                    "spheroid": {

                        "axis": 6378137,

                        "flatten": 0.0033528107,

                        "name": "WGS_1984",

                        "type": "SPHEROID_WGS_1984"


                    "type": "DATUM_WGS_1984"


                "name": "GCS_WGS_1984",

                "primeMeridian": {

                    "longitudeValue": 0,

                    "name": "Greenwich",

                    "type": "PRIMEMERIDIAN_GREENWICH"


                "spatialRefType": "SPATIALREF_EARTH_LONGITUDE_LATITUDE",

                "type": "GCS_WGS_1984",

                "unit": "DEGREE"


            "coordUnit": "DEGREE",

            "distanceUnit": "METER",

            "epsgCode": 1,

            "name": "Longitude / Latitude Coordinate System---GCS_WGS_1984",

            "projection": null,

            "projectionParam": null,

            "type": "PCS_EARTH_LONGITUDE_LATITUDE"




PUT request

Modifies the datasource information.

Request parameters

The parameters contained in the request body to modify or datasource information when implementing the PUT request on the datasource resource are as follows:

Name Type Description
description String The descriptive information for the datasource.
coordUnit Unit The unit for the coordinates.
distanceUnit Unit The distance unit.

Response structure

When implementing the PUT request on the datasource resource, the representation of the resource returned is included in the entity body of the response message, as shown below:  

Field Type Description
succeed boolean Whether the modify operation on the datasource information is successful.
error HttpError Error message. If successful, the field will not exist.

Example usage

Parameters need for implementing the PUT request on the example datasource resource with http://supermapiserver:8090/iserver/services/data-world/rest/data/datasources/name/World.rjson are as follows:

{"coordUnit":"MILE","description":"This is a new description","distanceUnit":"MILE"}

If successful, the response in rjson format is as follows:

{"succeed": true}

HEAD Request

Asks for the response identical to the one that would correspond to a GET request, but without the response body. This is useful for retrieving meta-information written in response headers, without having to transport the entire content. The meta-information includes the media-type, content-encoding, transfer-encoding, content-length, etc.

The HEAD request helps check the existence of the datasource resource and whether it can be accessed by the client. By implementing the HEAD request on the URI, with .<format> appended to the end, we can quickly get to know whether the datasource resource supports the representation in <format> or not.
