


Supported methods


Parent resource



graphicObject resource is used to get the symbol information.

Supported Methods:

Supported output formats: rjson, json, html, xml.

Resource hierarchy

HTTP request methods

Implement the HTTP request on the following URI, where supermapiserver is the server name, with rjson being the output format.

http: //supermapiserver: 8090/iserver/services/plot-TY/rest/plot/graphicObject.rjson

GET request

Gets symbol information

Request parameter

Name Type Description
libID int 【Required】the symbol library ID
code int 【Required】the symbol code
inputPoints Point2D[] The location point of label
scaleValues double The scale value of label
subSymbols int The code array of sub labels
symbolRank int The level of symbol
negativeImage boolean Label mirror
surroundLineType int Serif type

Response structure

The structure of the returned symbol information table after implementing the GET request on the graphicObject resource will be as follows:

Field Type Description
libID int Symbol library ID
code int Symbol code
symbolType int Symbol type
symbolName int Symbol name
negativeImage boolean Label mirror. Default is false, when setting it true, the symbol up and down the same, left and right swap
symbolRank int The level of symbol
symbolRanks int[] The symbol level supported by symbol.
scaleByMap boolean Controlling whether the size of symbol zooms with the map, dufault is false.
limitWidthHeight boolean Lock the symbol width, height
symboSize Point2D Size of symbol
scale2D Point3D The scale of the symbol
rotate2D Point3D The rotation angle of symbol
subSymbols int[] The collection of sub-symbol. Some line region symbols have sub symbols, new symbols can be got through modifying the code of line region symbols.
scaleValues double[] The scale value of label
surroundLineType int Serif type, including sans serif, lining, outer lining, double lining.
surroundLineColor Color Serif color
surroundLineWidth2D double Serif width
textContent String Marker/text content
annotationPosition int The marker location
textStyle2D TextStyle The marker style
innerCells GraphicObjectCell[] The inner primitive information
middleMarkExist boolean Whether there is a middle note in the symbol
algoMaxExitPts int The maximum number of line region symbol
algoMinEditPts int The minimum number of line region symbol
middleMarkBounds Rectangle2D The middle node range of marker symbol

Response example

Sending Get request to http: //localhost: 8090/iserver/services/plot-TY/rest/plot/graphicObject.rjson?libID=0&code=24, the description for returned rjson format is as follows:


    "algoMaxEditPts": 9999999,

    "algoMinEditPts": 2,

    "anchorPoint": {

        "x": 0,

        "y": 0


    "annotationPosition": 4,

    "center": null,

    "code": 24,

    "id": 0,

    "innerCells": [{

        "fillColorLimit": true,

        "fillLimit": false,

        "fontColorLimit": true,

        "lineColorLimit": false,

        "lineTypeLimit": false,

        "lineWidthLimit": false,

        "positionPoints": [],

        "style": {

            "fillBackColor": {

                "alpha": 255,

                "blue": 0,

                "green": 0,

                "red": 255


            "fillBackOpaque": true,

            "fillForeColor": {

                "alpha": 80,

                "blue": 0,

                "green": 0,

                "red": 255


            "fillGradientAngle": 0,

            "fillGradientMode": "NONE",

            "fillGradientOffsetRatioX": 0,

            "fillGradientOffsetRatioY": 0,

            "fillOpaqueRate": 100,

            "fillSymbolID": 1,

            "lineColor": {

                "alpha": 255,

                "blue": 0,

                "green": 0,

                "red": 255


            "lineSymbolID": 0,

            "lineWidth": 0.5,

            "markerAngle": 0,

            "markerHeight": 0,

            "markerSize": 2.4,

            "markerSymbolID": 0,

            "markerWidth": 0


        "surroundLineColor": {

            "alpha": 255,

            "blue": 0,

            "green": 255,

            "red": 255


        "surroundLineFlag": false,

        "surroundLineLimit": false,

        "surroundLineType": 0,

        "surroundLineWidth": 1,

        "textContent": "",

        "textStyle": {

            "align": "TOPLEFT",

            "backColor": {

                "alpha": 255,

                "blue": 0,

                "green": 0,

                "red": 0


            "backOpaque": false,

            "bold": false,

            "fontHeight": 7,

            "fontName": "Microsoft YaHei",

            "fontScale": 1,

            "fontWeight": 0,

            "fontWidth": 0,

            "foreColor": {

                "alpha": 255,

                "blue": 0,

                "green": 0,

                "red": 0


            "italic": false,

            "italicAngle": 0,

            "opaqueRate": 100,

            "outline": false,

            "rotation": 0,

            "shadow": false,

            "sizeFixed": false,

            "strikeout": false,

            "stringAlignment": "LEFT",

            "underline": false


        "type": 24


    "libID": 0,

    "limitWidthHeight": true,

    "middleMarkBounds": {

        "bottom": 0,

        "left": 0,

        "leftBottom": {

            "x": 0,

            "y": 0


        "right": 0,

        "rightTop": {

            "x": 0,

            "y": 0


        "top": 0


    "middleMarkExist": false,

    "negativeImage": false,

    "parts": null,

    "points": null,

    "position": null,

    "prjCoordSys": null,

    "rotate2D": {

        "x": 0,

        "y": 0,

        "z": 0


    "rotationX": 0,

    "rotationY": 0,

    "rotationZ": 0,

    "scale2D": {

        "x": 1,

        "y": 1,

        "z": 0


    "scaleByMap": false,

    "scalePoints": [],

    "scaleValues": [],

    "scaleX": 0,

    "scaleY": 0,

    "scaleZ": 0,

    "style": {

        "fillBackColor": {

            "alpha": 255,

            "blue": 0,

            "green": 0,

            "red": 255


        "fillBackOpaque": true,

        "fillForeColor": {

            "alpha": 80,

            "blue": 0,

            "green": 0,

            "red": 255


        "fillGradientAngle": 0,

        "fillGradientMode": "NONE",

        "fillGradientOffsetRatioX": 0,

        "fillGradientOffsetRatioY": 0,

        "fillOpaqueRate": 100,

        "fillSymbolID": 1,

        "lineColor": {

            "alpha": 255,

            "blue": 0,

            "green": 0,

            "red": 255


        "lineSymbolID": 0,

        "lineWidth": 0.5,

        "markerAngle": 0,

        "markerHeight": 0,

        "markerSize": 2.4,

        "markerSymbolID": 0,

        "markerWidth": 0


    "subSymbols": [],

    "surroundLineColor": {

        "alpha": 255,

        "blue": 0,

        "green": 255,

        "red": 255


    "surroundLineType": 0,

    "surroundLineWidth2D": 1,

    "symbolIsCanFill": false,

    "symbolName": "polyline",

    "symbolRank": 0,

    "symbolRanks": [],

    "symbolSize": {

        "x": -1,

        "y": -1


    "symbolType": 24,

    "textContent": "",

    "textStyle2D": {

        "align": "TOPLEFT",

        "backColor": {

            "alpha": 255,

            "blue": 0,

            "green": 0,

            "red": 0


        "backOpaque": false,

        "bold": false,

        "fontHeight": 7,

        "fontName": "Microsoft YaHei",

        "fontScale": 1,

        "fontWeight": 0,

        "fontWidth": 0,

        "foreColor": {

            "alpha": 255,

            "blue": 0,

            "green": 0,

            "red": 0


        "italic": false,

        "italicAngle": 0,

        "opaqueRate": 100,

        "outline": false,

        "rotation": 0,

        "shadow": false,

        "sizeFixed": false,

        "strikeout": false,

        "stringAlignment": "LEFT",

        "underline": false


    "type": "GRAPHICOBJECT"


HEAD request

Asks for the response identical to the one that would correspond to a GET request, but without the response body. This is useful for retrieving meta-information written in response headers, without having to transport the entire content. The meta-information includes the media-type, content-encoding, transfer-encoding, content-length, etc.

HEAD request can be used to check if the graphicObject resource exists, or if the geodecoding resource can be accessed by clients. It can also determine if the graphicObject resource supports an output format <format> if performed on a URI with .<format> included.
